Chapter 9 // Avoiding

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Chapter 9 // Avoiding

"Dani, you're overreacting." Violet said when she parked the car.

"Vi, when you get humiliated by the most popular guys in our school, then don't come to me asking for black clothing." I spat.

"I just think you're taking it a little bit too seriously. You're wearing a dark sweater. You should be wearing a stylish sweater! It should say, 'Hell yeah I got played by the most popular guys in our school but I don't care!'" Violet stated.

"You're right Violet." I sighed. I took off my black hoodie, then taking my colorful knitted sweater I bought at Forever 21 a month ago out from my bookbag. "You come prepared." Violet said.

"Hell yeah I do."


We walked into the school with all eyes on me.

"That's the girl."

"She's the one with Luke."

"I can't believe she thought she had a chance."

"I don't understand why they did it to her, she's actually really pretty."

"Isn't that Daniela?"

"I heard she persuaded all of them to have sex with her in order not to show everyone the video."

Those were some the whispers I heard throughout the hallway on the way to my locker. When I got to my locker, I got my books that I needed for the morning. "Gray? Can we talk?" I chose to ignore the voice behind me. "Gray, I know you hear me." I rolled my eyes at the smart statement. Once I was done getting my books I started to walk to my first class, which was History. "Gray, slow down!" I quickened my pace for Luke not to follow me. "Gray, can we just talk for a second?" He grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him. "Look Gray, I'm sorry about what Michael and Calum did."

"I'm betting that this is another little prank. You guys want to see if I'll fall again." "Gray I'm truly sorry for everything that happened."

"Sorry? Truly sorry?! After what happened you have the balls to say 'sorry'?! You could've said that's enough when it happened or you could have said no when they asked you to do it!"


"No, you don't know what that 'little' prank did to me you prick! You only think about yourself and you don't take anyone's feelings into consideration you selfish bitch!" I pushed his hand away from my arm and walked away from a confused and surprised Luke Hemmings. I know what I said didn't make sense but I saw it in a movie once. When you're arguing just yell out a bunch of stuff that they could of done, anything you just want to get off your chest, or something that is true about them.


The period I dreaded was next. Maths. I walked into Mrs. Wilkinson's class and sit down at my desk. I get out my notebook and pencil. I looked up to see Luke walking into class. He saw me staring at him, and stared back until he sat in his seat. I noticed Maths went by fast after the bell for lunch rang. I sat across Violet at our normal lunch table. "So, Dani how did the morning treat you?" Violet asked. I shrugged. "I yelled at Luke.." I mumbled.

"YOU WHAT?!" Violet yelled, then realized half of the grade was looking at us. "You yelled at him?" She whispered. I nodded my head. "He started apologizing and I just started yelling at him. Plus I sort of called him a prick.." I mumbled.


"Shhh." I said, covering Vi's mouth. "I don't want Ashton finding out or anyone really."

"So that's why I keep hearing 'prick' and 'girl' in the same sentence throughout the hallways." Vi said.

"What about a prick and a girl?" Ashton asked, sitting down next to Violet.

"We were talking about Dani and L-"

I started coughing to make her stop.

"Damn Dani are you okay?" Ashton asked.

"I'm fine, I just needed to get something out of my throat." I lied.

"Oh my gosh same! Ashton I have to tell you that Dani yelled at L-"

"Vi shut up!" I whisper-yelled.

"Dani stop interrupting it's rude. Dani yelled at Luke this morning."

"You what?" Ashton asked. I banged my head on the lunch table. Dammit Violet.

"I told you I didn't want Ashton finding out." I mumbled to Violet.

"Ohh! See I told you I have a memory span of a goldfish!" Violet said. Violet continued to tell Ashton what I told her earlier as I continued to eat my lunch in silence. I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around, only to turn around again. "You can't ignore me forever Gray." Luke said, sitting next to me. I took a sip of my juice. "Gray can you please look at me?" I continued to drink my juice. Luke took my juice out of my mouth. "Give that back!" I tried to grab it but he licked my straw and put it in his mouth. "Ew." I heard Violet say. He put it on the table and started to talk. I took the juice again and started to drink it. "Okay first ew." He said, pointing to the drink.

"I live with a brother, he's done worse."

"Hey! You're talking to me! Okay so I'm sorry for everything. I was hoping we could like start over?" I scoffed at his request. "Come on Dani please." I said nothing. He sighed as his hand went through his blonde quiff. He stood up and went back to his normal table.

"That was awkward." Ashton mumbled. I nodded my head. This avoiding plan is going to be hard.


When I got home, I deleted Luke's number from my phone. After that was done, I watched a movie until my mom got home with Sammy. During dinner the home phone started ringing. "I'll get it." I said, standing up and walking to the living room. "Hello?"


"How did you get my number, Hemmings?"

"I have connections."

"You probably convinced Violet."

"Crap, how did you know?"

"Why are you calling me anyway?"

"Come outside."



"I'm eating."



"Then when can you?"

"Never." After that I hung up the phone. On my way back to the kitchen, I saw Luke standing outside my house. I sat down at the table, while my mom asked me questions about who called. I told her those people who advertise. After dinner, I headed up to my room to finish my homework. "What the hell are you doing in here?" I whisper-yelled.

"I need to talk to you."

"We already talked." I scoffed.

"I did you didn't."

"What do you want to talk about, Hemmings? Let's talk about how you lead me on, how you tricked me, how you humiliated me, or how about you made me cry myself to sleep?!" I had to stay strong in order to win this argument. I couldn't cry now.

"I didn't know I made you cry.." He mumbled.

"Luke that's the thing, you don't give a shit about anyone else's feelings besides your fucking own." Luke stayed silent. "Exactly."

"I wasn't lying when I wanted us to start over."

"It's too late for that. I can't trust you."

"I'm sorry."

"You should go now." I mumbled.

"Bye Gray." He climbed out my window and that was the last time I saw him, until the next day of course.


This is just a filler. Trust me this isn't the start of the plot/story. These are all mostly fillers. Thanks for reading! Please vote and fan! (:

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