Chapter 30 // The Real Date

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Chapter 30 // The Real Date

As I looked through my closet to see what I could wear to my date tonight, I received a text from Luke.

From: Luke

You don’t dress fancy. Wear something comfortable tonight (:

To: Luke

Got it (;

I decided to wear my white no sleeved shirt with a long cardigan. I paired it with my light wash jeans and slipped on my combat boots. I put my hair into a ponytail after brushing it.

From: Luke

I’m outside

I took one last look in the mirror before I got my purse and left my room. When I walked downstairs, I saw my mom in the living room watching TV. “I’m leaving now, mom.”

“Okay sweetie, have fun tonight.”

“What time should I be home?” I asked her.

“I won’t give you an exact time but be home before midnight.” She smiled at me then went back to watching her show. I walked out the door and saw Luke’s car in my driveway. I opened the passenger door and greeted Luke.

“So where are we going?” I asked as he started backing out of the driveway. “Luke?” He kept ignoring me until he hit the highway. “Luke, where are we going?”

“Let’s play 20 questions. You ask the questions about the date, and I’ll answer what I can.” He smiled, while keeping his eyes on the road.

“Okay, so is the place we’re going to entertaining?”


“Is the place we’re going to have food?”

“Is it in the city?”


“Is it by the beach?”


“Wow okay, um is there only one thing to do at the place?”

“Hmm, I don’t have any other questions.”

“I’ll give you a hint. It’s something I mentioned when we first met. And you used to come here when you were younger.” Luke said, causing me to gasp. “We’re going the Shore Carnival?!” I yelled, making Luke flinch.

“Yeah!” He mocked my enthusiasm. A couple of minutes later Luke pulled up into the parking lot of the Shore Carnival. Once he parked, we both got out of the car. “I’m so excited! I haven’t been in here in a long time.” I told Luke.

“I thought we could come here since we both haven’t been here since we were younger.” He smiled. I smiled back and intertwined my hand with his. We walked hand in hand to the entrance of the carnival. “Two unlimited ride wristbands please.” Luke told the cashier. The cashier nodded and handed us two plastic neon yellow wristbands. Luke handed the cashier the money before I could argue with him. “Luke I could of paid for my own ticket you know that right?”

“Yeah I know but I want to pay for yours.” He smiled. Once the cashier gave Luke’s change, we walked inside the hall of booths. The hall consisted of game and food booths. Once we passed the booths, we entered the actual boardwalk. “I remember this being a lot more bigger.” I told Luke. He nodded. “There’s like barely any rides.”

“True. Which ride you wanna go on first?” I asked Luke. He pointed to the ‘Sea Dragon’. Which was a big boat that swings back and forth higher and higher. “Let’s go.” I took his hand and guided him through the crowd of people to the ride. Once we passed the crowd of people, we went on line. We showed the guy our wristbands as he let us go on the ride. We sat on the left side and towards the top of the boat. Once we sat down we buckled the seat belts as other people came onto the ride. When there was no one left on line, they closed the boat’s doors. “Please keep your hands and feet inside the boat at all times. Make sure you fasten your seatbelt. Thank you and enjoy the ride.” The man said over the speaker. I held on to the handle in front of us as Luke put his hand over mine. “You’re not scared are you?”

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