Chapter 13 // Here & Now

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Chapter 13 //  Here & Now

I woke up with the bright light from my curtains greeting me. I turned over to my side and closed my eyes wanting to sleep a little bit more.  I felt a slight shift on the other side of my bed and a light snore. I opened my eyes and saw Luke sleeping across from me. He continued to snore, making me lose my ability to sleep a bit more. I got up from my bed and went downstairs to see if my mom was home. Instead, I saw Sammy in the living room playing video games. "Sam where's mom?"

"She didn't come home last night. She called earlier saying she'll be home by 2." Sammy replied without taking his eyes off the screen.

"What time is it now?"

"12." I walked into the kitchen to make some waffles for Luke and I. "Oh and give me 5 dollars." Sammy said.

"Why would I give you 5 dollars?"

"So I won't tell mom about Luke sleeping over." I could tell Sammy was smirking even though his back was facing me. I groaned and looked for my purse that I left down here last night. "Here." I passed him the 5 dollars as he smiled. "Nice making business with you." He replied taking the money. "Make sure the waffles don't get  burned." I said as I walked up to my room. When I walked into my room, Luke was still sleeping. I decided to take a shower while he was sleeping. I took a change of clothes and under garments to the bathroom.

After the shower, I went downstairs to get the waffles. I got the two plates and walked back up to my room. When I walked into my room, Luke was finally awake.

"Good afternoon sleeping beauty." I said, sitting on my bed.

"Aw you called me beauty." Luke smirked. Damn his morning voice was really hot.
"Um here's some waffles."

"Thanks." He yawned. We both ate in silence until he broke it by asking, "So what happened last night?"

"Well what do you remember?"

"I remember I danced with you, then I went outside to drink and then that's it."

"Well after the dance ended, I went to go look for you and then you were super drunk. I drove you home but then you started crying because you forgot your keys. Did you know you're a whiny drunk?" I giggled at the memory of Luke whining.

"No I did not know I was a whiny drunk." He laughed.

"Well so anyway, we came back to my house and then we both knocked out." I said.

"So no sex?" Luke asked.

"Dammit Luke, can you just appreciate that I gave you a bed to sleep on?" I chuckled.

"I do appreciate you giving me a bed but I could also appreciate you giving me other things." He smirked, while putting his plate on my night table.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah really."

"Like what would you appreciate?" Now it was my time to smirk.

"Well, remember when we were talking about my plan while we were dancing?" Luke said, stroking my arm.

"Yeah and you wanted me to go home with you?"

"Yeah well, we should do that. Except do it here and now." Luke whispered, leaning towards me. "Luke I really think we shouldn't." I whispered.

"Then, let me try to convince you." He whispered back. He started to kiss my jawline and down to my neck. I let out a little quiet moan, causing him to smirk. He pulled away to take a breather. "Is that enough to convince you? If not, I have so much more to show you then." He whispered, stroking my cheeks with his fingers. "Luke I really don't-" He cut me off by kissing me. I stayed still for a second thinking if I should kiss him back. "Come on Gray. You know you want to." He said in between kisses. I finally gave in. When I started kissing him back, he pulled me on top of him. His kisses were needy and rough, nothing like I was used to. His hands went under my shirt as my hands were cupping his face.

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