Chapter 14 // Rumors

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Chapter 14 // Rumors

"So why was Luke here?" My mom asked.

"He was just visiting!" Sammy called out.

"Now, Sammy you don't have to defend your sister. Dani, do you want to tell me why Luke was here?"

"After homecoming, he was really drunk so I drove him to his house but he forgot his keys so I let him stay here."

"So he slept over?" My mom asked.

"Sort of." I trailed off.

"You two didn't do anything right?" My mom whispered so Sammy can't hear.

I shook my head, "No mom."

"Alright good, at least you didn't do anything. But without asking me? Really?"

"I'm sorry mom, I was really tired and I didn't think about asking you first."

"It's okay. Just don't let it happen again." 


After the whole incident with Luke, we haven't talked since. Monday came around and it was like any regular Monday morning until I heard the rumors. "Dani, you slept with Luke?"  Violet came up to me at my locker.

"No? Who told you that?"

"The whole school is talking about it!"


"Yeah!" Violet exclaimed. I can't believe Luke made up that lie!

"Dani, how could you do this?!" I heard Ashton say from behind me. I turned around and said, "Nothing happened I swear!!"

"That's not what the whole school thinks." Ashton whispered. The bell rang notifying us that we had to be in homeroom. I left right before Violet and Ashton started making out. When I walked into homeroom, I saw Luke and his 'posse'. I tried to avoid them but Calum noticed me. "Hey Dani, how was Luke?"

"Why don't you ask him how he's doing?" I scoffed.

"I didn't know you were one to get into bed smartie." Michael said.

"Well I didn't know that you're a dick head. Oh wait, I already knew that." I spat. Michael scoffed and looked down. "At least we all have comebacks." I said as I walked away to my desk.


After school, Violet dropped me off at my house. Once I finished my homework, I got a text from an unsaved number.

Come outside x

I looked outside my window and saw Luke standing in front of my house. I walked downstairs and opened the door for him. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

"It's not my fault about the rumors."

"The sex rumors?"


"Then whose fault is it because last time I checked you were the one here at my house." I said.


"You told Michael and Calum that 'we had sex' and then you go and tell everyone else in this god damn school!"

"Gray, I only told them about how I slept at your house. They took it the wrong way and then they told everyone the lie!"

"I am done with you Hemmings! All you do is give me stress and you just annoy me!" I yelled.

"Gray calm down."

"No I am not going to calm down! I clearly didn't see that you were going to use me! You think I'm like one of those other girls?! Those girls that have sex with you and then you leave them?! You thought wrong Luke, I'm not one of those girls!"
"Oh really?! If you don't notice, Gray. We almost had sex. If Violet didn't disturb us, you would have went along! So do not put all of this on me." Luke yelled back. "I'm actually glad that rumor went around now." He mumbled as he walked away. I slammed the door shut and walked back up to my room. I promised myself that was the last time I would talk to Luke.

Smart // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now