Chapter 33 // Ex-virgin

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Chapter 33 // Ex-virgin

2 weeks later

Currently, Luke and I were watching a movie. ‘Frozen’ to be exact. Luke has never watched the movie and I immediately rented it on on-demand from my TV. We were in my bed snuggled under the blankets, watching Olaf describe his dream about being in the sun. Luke’s shoulder was my pillow for now while he was playing with my hair. My left arm was around his torso as was my left leg around his right leg. We continued to watch the movie in this position until it was over. “I can’t believe that jerk, Hans!” Luke yelled. I giggled at his reaction. “I’m serious, Dani. He’s a jerk.”

“Just like you.” I smiled up at him.

“You did not just say that.” I nodded, biting my lip. He immediately started tickling my sides. “Luke! Stop! Please!” I screamed in between laughs.

“Say ‘Luke is very sexy’ and I’ll stop.” He said.

“Luke is very sexy! Now stop please!” He stopped after I said that, causing both of us to smile. He leaned in and kissed me softly. I kissed him back then wrapped my arms around his neck to bring him closer. His hands went onto my waist, tugging on the hem of my shirt. He slowly pulled it up, the cold air hitting my exposed skin. “Luke, stop please.” He immediately stopped after I told him too. “You okay?” He whispered.  “You do know I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. If you feel like I’m rushing things, just say.”

“I know what taking off clothes lead too, Luke. I’m fine, but I just don’t think I’m ready.” I replied.

“Okay. Just know I want your ‘first’ time to be special.” He used air quotes around first, which made me giggle.

“Who says it’s going to be with you?” I smirked. He faked a gasp, which caused me to laugh. “I called it way before we were a thing.”


We didn’t do ‘it’, if you wanted to know. Instead, we talked. We talked about our pasts and secrets no one knew about us, and even what we wanted for our future, even though I know Luke doesn’t like talking about that.

“So, first relationship?” I asked Luke as I handed him a cup of coffee.

“Thanks. Well, first relationship probably doesn’t even count as a relationship.”

“Was it one of those year 6 relationships?” I joked. His face continued to be serious. “Oh you’re serious.”

“Well it wasn’t year 6. It was a year 8 relationship. People say those don’t really matter. But for me it did matter. Her name was Rosemarie. But I got to call her Rosie.” He smiled at the memory. “Year 8 was probably a good year for me because of her. My brothers and my mom loved her so much. She was already part of the ‘Hemmings’ family.”


“But, a few months before I was supposed to move, she invited me to her family’s country club. Now I’m sorry but her parents were very, very, very annoying. They kept commenting on little things about me.”

“Like compliments?”

“No, like rude things. They would say like ‘Oh Lucas, Rosemarie told us about you moving. You know, some schools out of Sydney don’t recruit students who do poorly.’”

“What bitches.”

“Yeah but it gets worse. So during that meeting, they said something about my mom’s job. How it’s terrible and how much they feel bad for me. So I went off on them.”

“Wait what do you mean?”

“I kept cursing at them and I just kept yelling. I was on the verge of punching them both in the face. Which lead to them making Rosie break up with me.”

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