don't leave pt.2| taegyu

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彡trigger warnings;; wounds, small accident, negative self talk, mention of depression

彡second title;; separation anxiety (pt.2)

彡ship;; Taegyu (Taehyun x Beomgyu)

彡group;; Tomorrow x Together

彡genre;; angst

彡made on;; Thursday 11 november 2021

彡summary;; Beomgyu excapes the place where he caused panic unintentionally by skating away to his favorite place but fails mid way by an accident. Luckily Taehyun helps him after he found Beomgyu. (I recommend you to first read pt.1 before this one/pt.2)


"Not even noticing that the front door opened twice and got closed twice. And two of the skateboards we have lying around the house disappearing as soon as the door opened and closed twice."

3de person view

A few minutes later and Beomgyu was racing down the streets on his skateboard. Some cars passing him some honking and some people yelling out of their car's window telling him to slow down or to watch out but he didn't listen, he couldn't. With all of the worries and the voices telling him that he messed up again and that it was all his fault yet again.

His eyes teary, tears threatening to fall and slide down his cheeks. Messy brown long hair, glasses sliding down a bit. Wearing some aesthetic looking outfit with a few rings and his phone forgotten at home probably laying on his desk or somewhere in the house.
Beomgyu was now still racing down the street on his skateboard while his vision was blurry due the tears that were threatening to fall.

Car breaks could be heard, a wooden plank with wheals could be heard snapping into two and a young man getting hit by a car...

It all happened in a flash.. Beomgyu rolling along the side walks hitting a wall after a car crashing into him. Lucky he wasn't to injured. He only had lost his glasses that were now no where to be seen probably by flying somewhere after getting hit and landing somewhere on the ground broken. And a few scratches here and there not to much to worry about. But the driver who hit him was soon dashing away not wanting to get cought as they realized what they had unconsciously done.

And soon Taehyun had arrived at the scene, seeing the poor bear looking like guy was injured. He felt sorry that he couldn't prevent it on time but at least the situation wasn't that bad it could've been worse and the bear like boy could be having to be rushed to the hospital.

'Beomgyu!' he called out.

'omg.. come on stand up I'll help you clean those bruises and cuts you've got..' he told the older boy as he helped him up.

-) Few minutes later (-

3de person view

Beomgyu and Taehyun were sitting on a bench near a bridge by a river. Taehyun had brought them there after getting some medical items to clean Beomgyu's bruises and cuts.

The moon was by now starting to show up completely. Yes, Beomgyu wanted to hangout in the evening with his best friend. But it didn't turn out how he planned, not even a little.. But hey! At least he wasn't alone again, like he normally would be.. His boyfriend was by his side this time!.. It was normal for them to not be around each other 24/7. After all they both had busy schedules. But that didn't stop Beomgyu from feeling lonely most of the times when the two lovers couldn't be together. It didn't stop the voices, it didn't stop his negative self talk, it didn't stop his depression.. it never did..

Although Beomgyu had and has been suffering so much, he never completely gave up.. He didn't want to die yet but of course it was quite tiring and painful to keep on living. But till now the voices, his negative self talk, his depression hasn't said goodbye. So he'll keep on having to fight it.. He wanted to tell someone about it but everytime he tried he immediately failed, he didn't know why he couldn't just say it.

Taehyun had just finished cleaning the bruises and cuts except for the one on Beomgyu left cheek he still had to clean that one cut and put a plaster on it. While he took the supplies to clean the last cut Beomgyu started to talk.


Was the only word Taehyun had understood before he saw tears sliding down his boyfriend's cheek.

'Hey, hey, it's okay hyung! You don't have to apologize, you did nothing wrong!'

'..' Nothing that's all, nothing. Silence, not even a single sound that excaped both of the boys mouth after Taehyun had said that. Untill Beomgyu started to talk.

'Tae..? Why would you say that.. Of course I did something wrong! I made my best friend panic and cry. I was selfish, I didn't think about his separation anxiety just because I wanted to hangout with him. I messed up!' Beomgyu had said while more tears slide down his cheeks.

'Oh, Gyu.. you aren't selfish, it's completely normal to only want to hangout with your bestie for a bit. You didn't do anything wrong and you aren't selfish.' Taehyun had stated.

'No! I am selfish and I did do something wrong! And it's all my fault just because I didn't want to feel alone and useless anymore so I wanted to distract myself by forcing him to hangout with me..'
Beomgyu said trying to blink away the tears that were threatening to fall again but failed soon after.

'Gyu-bear, you weren't forcing him and you aren't any of this negative thing neither was it your fault and neither did you do something wrong.. honey bear, you aren't useless, you're amazing, helpful and caring, it doesn't matter what other people think.. you're amazing no matter what!' Taehyun stated continuing with the following sentence...

'Don't tear yourself apart like that..'

'But even they say it..' Beomgyu had said while he looked down at his lap.

'.. Who's they?..'

'Gyu.. Who do you mean..?'

'Baby bear, who are ..they?' Taehyun had asked the older.

'They.. the voice.. they keep on telling me that it is all my fault..'
After Beomgyu had answered the question(s). Taehyun immediately knew what was going on his poor boyfriend's mind. His beloved was suffering untill now and had said nothing. Yet he, Kang Taehyun was now disappointed in himself that he didn't notice anytime sooner but at least he now knows what's going on and now he can help him.

More tears started to fall out of his boyfriend's eyes. Oh how much it hurt him to see his loved one cry. He quickly pulled the older into a hug that was comforting. The older had placed his head on the youngers shoulder. While the younger started to draw circles on his hyung's back.

After a few minutes of comforting the bear looking like boy aka Beomgyu. Taehyun had cupped his hyung's face with his hands and pecked his lips.

'Beomgyu.. I bet it must be hard but never give up and always remember that I love you and no matter what I'll always be there for you.'

'.. Promise?'




-1207 words

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