last breathe | Beomgyu

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彡trigger warnings;; death (of 'character'), suicide, drowning, jumping, mentions of cuts(/cutting), of overdose, of stabbing, of failed suicide attempts, of starving

彡member;; Beomgyu

彡ship;; /

彡group;; Tomorrow x Together

彡genre;; sickfic, angst, death (suicide)

彡made on;; Monday 17 January 2022

彡summary;; high to low, up in the air standing on almost completely nothing... Slipped or ---?. . . under everything, suffocating, filling, killing, Beomgyu's last time, last second . . .


3de person view

Blurry dots in the sky that were bright and beautiful, Stars were one of the small things the boy once loved and found comfort in but not anymore. Even the lights from the city behind him were becoming a big blob of colourful blurry lights now.

It was cold, windy and rainy. But the only thing that the boy could hear was the rain crashing into the sea while there were waves big enough to drown something or someone..

The boy was standing on a metal bar that was now becoming slippery due to the rain that came from the sky hitting the metal bar. The boy wished to do this for a long time now.. He was tired, tired of all of the years of fighting and losing wars inside his head, tired of worrying others, tired of the therapy, tired of the voices, tired of the judgemental words and looks, tired of his life, tired of his mental state, tired of himself. . .

He was rushed so many times to the hospital due to failed suicide attempts. His moa's, his family, his friends, his members all begged him to stop, to seek help if he felt the urge to do something that would end him.
But he never listened, he kept on hurting himself in all possible ways such as; cutting, stabbing, overdose, starving, jumping and much more. .

He had lost blood but never lost his life. It made him annoyed, angry at the world for not letting him go. He just had one single wish was it that hard to complete it?


The boy was now looking down at the rain crashing into the sea and waves rising and crashing back down onto the sea.

His chestnutty coloured eyes were now not only red but also puffy just like his cheeks. Tears sliding down not because of disappointedment that he wants to end his life nor because of sadness or depression. It were pure tears of slight happiness and joy of finally being able to fulfill his wish. To finally leave. But what that wasn't the real reason he was crying but he didn't know that. He thought it was the happiness and joy to able to leave. To fulfill his wish.

The boy took one last breath before letting go of the metal bar he had been holding onto for an hour or three.

He started to fall. . .


The boy fell into the water, he sank with a sad smile on his face, as he thought "finally I won't have to suffer anymore, I'll be free, I'll finally have some peace and the other won't have to worry anymore. I love my members, my family and my fans dearly but I have lost the battles, they've become too tough.. I couldn't stay I had, have to leave. . . "

The boy took his last breathe before saying "Goodbye world I have to go now. . ."
The water went inside his mouth down his throat, in his nose, in his eyes, in his ears.. the water was now in his lungs, suffocating the bear boy.

The boy slowly shut his eyes, not being able to breath anymore, he let go, he let everything and everyone go. . . His last breathe was gone.

He was gone now and his wish was fulfilled. . .


-On KBS news-

"Choi Beomgyu,
21 year old male from the kpop group 'Tomorrow by Together' body was found lifeless flouting in the sea this afternoon. Research on his cause of death was done and the result came out as an attempt of suicide by drowning. . .

Rest in peace now Choi Beomgyu

This was KBS news,



The End




-686 words

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