big clingy baby | taebin

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彡trigger warnings;; /

彡ship;; Taebin (Taehyun x Soobin)

彡group;; Tomorrow x Together

彡genre;; fluff, little space/age regression

彡made on;; Saturday 25 december 2021

彡summary;; it's late but that doesn't matter to the big yet little bunny, taehyun takes care of the little bunny

彡little ;; Soobin
彡his little age ;; 2-3

彡caregiver ;; Taehyun

Side note ;;
There will be a conversation
On the phone which will look
like this;;
<one person>     <other person>


3de person view

22.17 / 10.17 pm

The little had a day off today and enjoyed his day by being little and playing with his stuffies and with his caregiver.
But of course, a day only lasts 24 hours. And the day was coming to an end. Which meant that it was late but it also meant it was time to head off to bed and sleep.

" Hey binbunny it's getting pretty late, we should get you ready for bed. "

" 'bin gwesh hyunhyun ish wigt "
he little said as he clinged onto the shorter.

" Bunny, I can't carry you for long you know that. Hyunie might be strong but you're still 8 cm taller than me which is a pretty big difference.. "

" mhmm.. "

" How about we waddle over to the bathroom, brush our teeth and go to bed, hm? "

".. otay "
The little said before getting up with Taehyun and heading over to the bathroom to brush their teeth.


" Need any help there bunny? "
Taehyun asked as he looked into the sleepy eyes of the bunny.

" I'll take that as a yes, c'mere. "
Taehyun took the toothbrush from the little one and started to brush the baby's teeth.

" cutie, I need you to open your mouth for me okay? "


" And we're all done here. So uppies? "

" mhmm! " An answer was all Taehyun needed before picking up the bunny boy and carrying him to their room. After he finished tucking the other in and was about to walk over to his own bed he felt a soft but strong grip on his left arm.
Turning around to face binbunny again.

" What is it baby? "

" nu "

" What, no? "

" cwuddwes "

" But baby you have to go to sleep. " After this sentence the older didn't give a reply but did cling more onto Taehyun. Suddenly the little started to bite on his fingers again..

" Hey bunny, why are you biting your finger? "

" Pawi .. "

" Pawi? Huh, baby what's that? "

" Pawci "

.. " Oh! Do you need your paci love? " Taehyun asked getting a nod in return.
" Okay let me just grab it for you then love, but you have to let go okay? Or else I won't be able to take it "
The little started to shake his head as a 'no'.

" Why not bunny? "

" nu le' gwo, cwuddwes! "

" Bunny,.. I promise I'll cuddle with you after I get your paci okay? "

" nu.. cwuddwes! "


' I guess he really wants his cuddles.. but he can't keep on bitting his fingers.. wait I have my phone in my pocket, I'll just call one of the members. " Taehyun thought.

" Fine then we'll cuddle but you'll have to allow me to call Yeonjun hyung first okay? "

".. fwine "

Taehyun did as he planned he first sat down next to the little so he could cling on while he called Yeonjun and then took out his phone to make the call.


'Hey, Taehyun, why are you calling so late?

'Well, Soobinnie is
little right now and it's
time to sleep but
he wants cuddles and
he needs his paci
but he won't let me go'

'Okay? And?'

' Could you come and give
me the paci?'

' Oh, sure- I'll be there in a minute or so.'

' Thanks hyung'

' Thank me later.

You also better apologize

ater for disturbing my
beauty sleep'

' Okay, okay, see you
later hyung'

Taehyun said before ending the call. Turning his head to face the bunny.

" Love, hyung will be here in a minute with your paci "

" otway "

" And I'm here! I didn't take long right-? "

" Not at all "

" Okay good I wouldn't want to let the baby wait. "
Yeonjun said as he walked to the two younger boys.

" Hey there binnie "

" Hwyungie~ hewwo~ "
The little lifted his head up to face to older. Open his mouth.
The oldest in the room got the signal to put in his paci.

" I'll be off then "
Yeonjun said before ruffling the bunny's hair and walking to his room.


" How about we cuddle, now that you have your paci? "
A nod is all that came from the cute little bunny before they started to cuddle and fall asleep in each other's arms.


[ a / n ]

<3 lobs y'all

Awso mewwy Chwishtmash fow twe onswe who cewebwate iwt!

(´ . .̫ . ')˖♡

-794 words

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