chapter eleven - confessions

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I quickly found out why Micro called me here

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I quickly found out why Micro called me here. Frank was a clock bomb, especially now that he knew his best friend betrayed him. Billy.

Ater he tied me to a chair he had a little breakdown in the bathroom while trying to stitch himself back together.

Micro's family had been taken by Rawlins, and even though his family thinks he's dead, he needed to help them.

I walk to the bathroom and grab a pair of scissors. My hair was longer than I remembered. I brush it and cut it a little lower than my shoulders. When I'm done I look back at my figure, taking a dee breath, deciding that I wasn't alone anymore.

I was with Castle, Billy and his minions were coming to us and he decided to kill them all, especially Billy.

"Hey," I called the man as we were putting the powder in the lamps so that if they were hit, they would blow.

Castle looks up at me and I swallow hard.

"Maybe we shouldn't kill Billy." I suggest and he scoffs going back to what he was doing.

"They all die today." He replies leaving no room for questioning.

"Listen to me, Billy can be on our side-"

"They all die." He repeats as I keep talking.

"-we just need to prove to him that Rawlins will sell him out as he's not worth it-"

"Russo dies-"

"Listen to me!" I snap at him, hitting my palms in the table. "Billy is not dying."

"Why do you even care-"

"Because I love him!" The words left my mouth before I was able to stop them. "Rawlins killed the people you loved. I never loved anyone," I start saying, feeling like I needed to justify what I had said. "My mother killed my father to get his money, I never had anyone. I started stealing and eventually stole something I shouldn't and Rawlins has wanted my head ever since." I keep saying. "In my life I had two friends and let them go just so I could stay. Don't kill him."

Castle doesn't say a word for a few seconds, instead he just stares at me. "Okay." He nods and I nod back, going back to what I was doing. "But he doesn't leave either."

"That's fine for me."


Turns out, Billy was not there. Me and Frank left the video tapped on their mission and a countdown. After that had gone to meet Micro and his kid. Madani was going too. The homeland security agent who probably wants my head like everyone else in this fucking planet.

Dinah would meet us a few blocks before the meeting points, Castle wanted to make sure she wasn't being followed.

She stops her car and gets out, and so do us. Castle walks to the woman as I stay in the car. Not long after that she notices my presence. I walk towards them and she looks at me, almost surprised.

"You're the agent who wants me dead?"

"No." She says shortly, but with a small grin on her face. "You're alive?"


"I know that Rawlins planted the evidences against you." Madani informs me and I nod.

"It's a shame no one else thinks like you." I give her a small smile.

"They will when we're done." She assures me.

"We should get going." I walk back to the car and Castle walks behind me.


I was sitting in a room at Homeland Security with Madani in front of me. The camera at her side was filming everything I say.

"Someone asked me to rob some files and I took more than what I was asked. Happened that some of them would easily look Rawlins away." I explain, looking at the woman. "When he found out, he set fire to my house. He burned everything but me so he did his best to get me arrested. He failed."

Dinah nods and I look away for a bit.

"Did you find evidence or have knowledge of someone else being involved?" She asks and I imminent think of Billy. I could prove he was with Rawlins.

"No." I state leaving no place for dought.

"Do you have any knowledge of Billy Russo being involved?"

"No." I repeat and she swallows hard, turning off the camera.

"Why did you lie?"

"I didn't." I reply getting up and she walks to me.

"You don't owe him anything-"

"Madani. It's not your place and it's not my deal. I told you what you wanted to know." I tell her. "Now why don't we go get Micro's family?"

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