chapter fourteen - mirror

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Billy had gone to talk with his friend, Curtis

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Billy had gone to talk with his friend, Curtis. Apparently he wasn't that much of a friend since Frank was waiting there for him to show up. I'm unaware of how a armed confront turned into a conversation, but they had planned on meeting on a carousel, "Where it all began", Billy said.

He refused to let me go with him. I didn't want to kill Frank if came to it, but I would if I needed to. I had stayed on the theater, paciantly waiting for him to show up and tell me it was done. We had planned on running away. Both of us. Now that Rawlins was gone, I could be free.

That was not what happened. After a few housrs, he still wasn't there. I started getting worried and unable to stay still and do nothing, I got in my car and drove there.

I'm sure I broke every traffic laws as I drove as fast as I possibly could. I parked the black vehicle a couple feet away from the carousel and run the remainig distance. Gun in hand, ready to kill whoever crossed my path.

I could hear two distinct grunts. When I'm close enough to see them, I also see Madani on the floor in a poddle of blood.

Frank grabs Billy and pushes him against the mirror. Billy's face was covered in blood as Frank kept repeating his actions.

I don't hesitate but I don't shoot to kill either. I fire my gun as the bullet hits Frank's leg, causing him to let go off Billy, who falls on the floor unconsious.

"I told you not to kill him, Castle." I say through gritted teeth, feeling the anger starting to build in me. Fast.

The bleeding man, looks up at me and is fast to grab the gun on the floor. I'm faster, and shoot him in the arm.

"I should have let you Rawlins gut you." I get closer and notice two bleeding people tied to two of the horses of the carousel.

I'm too angry to process what was happening and grab both of them by the collar of their shirts.

"Tell him that your gonna die, and it's his fault." I order and they keep crying. "Do it!" I scream.

"We're gonna- Christ..." The guy cried. "We're gonna die and it's your fault."

"Your turn." I look at the girl and she does as I say.

I pull the trigger on my gun, killing the guy and then the girl as Frank grunted.

"Look at him, Frank." I look at Billy and tears filled my eyes. "You're just like Rawlins." I state blanky as a lonely tear runns down my cheek. "I should rip your eyes out of your skull and cut you in little pieces." I swallow hard. "Look at what you did with him. It's only fair I do the same to you."

Before I'm able to do anything, I hear sirens in the distance. I walk to Frank and place myself on top of him. Grabbing his head and hitting it hard on the floor behind him. Tears running down my face.

The car lights start to shine on the crime scene and I get off the man, walking to Billy and placing two fingers in his neck, trying to feel his pulse, but I can't. I was too late.

"I'm sorry." I cry and give him a small kiss in the lips, getting up and running away.

I get in the car, my hands shaking as I drive to the theater. I open the door and close it behind me as fast as I can. My chest was moving uncontrolaby as I fall in my knees, crying.

"See you later." I breath out.

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