chapter twenty-five - surprises

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Billy had decided to take the little thing with the guys a step further

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Billy had decided to take the little thing with the guys a step further. Now, it was far from little. Our schedual consisted in killing and fucking. We would go on a mission and as soon as we were alone, clothes were off.

Probably not the most normal couple's activities but it sure as well was hot.

On the other hand, this wasn't for me. I go where revenge takes me. I never killed for money, or power, or status. All I did was take from them what they took for me. It was personal, this was not.

Frank and Curtis had tried to kill us. Billy had came up with a plan when I told him everything I knew about Castle. It was hard to ignore how heavy my conscience was after I knew what they did, but it worked. Frank got arrested and was a mess.

Right now, Billy was nowhere to be seen so I decided to go have a chat with Krista. Sure I got there the first time with a gun pointed to her head but we got over it. We were friends. Yet she betrayed me.

I didn't want her to kill her, I wanted to ask her why. Imagine my surprise when I see her laying in a puddle of blood in the middle of the street.

When I see this, I ran upstairs as fast as I can, only to see Madani and Billy on the ground.

"No, no, no." I muttered as I ran towards him, putting my hands on his face and checking his pulse.

He was alive, but not for long.

I grab him as best as I can and drag him out of there. The place we were staying was too far so I'm forced to take him to the theater. My house.

As soon as we get there and I lay him on the couch, he wakes up.

"Where are we?" He struggles to ask.

"It doesn't matter." I reply as I pick my phone ready to do something I shouldn't.

"How are you calling-"

"Billy, shut up. You're bleeding out." I say through gritted teeth.

I look twice at the name on the screen before calling, wondering if it was worth it. Then I remember that the man I love is dying and I wouldn't let that happen.

"Hello?" A familiar voice says from the other side of the line.

"I need your help."


"What the hell happened?" Eve asks me as she looks at Billy. "Last time I see you he was in a coma or something."

"He doesn't remember shit." I tell her as she grabs the same forceps she used to take a bullet from me last time I was shot.

He screams as she sticks the instrument in his skin and pulls out the bullets. When she's done she stitches him up and now we just need to wait.

"Thank you." I tell her.

"Yeah." Eve nods. "Look, you can't stay. What I did right now, I can't do it again."

I keep silent as I look at Billy's state. We had new passports, new identities, money, we could run like we were supposed to.

"Stacy." She calls. "Please."

"Ok. We'll run." I assure her.

"What if he doesn't want to run?"

"He will." I look at him again and she nods.

After a while, Billy wakes up. According to Eve he would live and that's all I needed.

She left and went back to her life and I could only hope someday I could start over like she did.

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