chapter twenty-two - betrayed

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When I'm done with my shower, I walk out and start to hear talking

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When I'm done with my shower, I walk out and start to hear talking. Instead of acting like a normal human being, I try my best to hear what was going on.

"I slept great last night. No dreams... no skulls." I hear Billy's voice. "No fear."

"That's good. We're making progress." Krista states and I feel like I should just was walk away and mind my own business, fearing what I woulc hear.

"Yeah, I feel good today. Clear." Billy keeps talking. "But not because of any therapy... because of Stacy." He stats and my breath gets caught on my throat. "Her. Us. This... here. But also because of what's outthere."
"Billy, Stacy's not good for you." I hear Krista say and I feel the urge to burst into the room and scream at her until my throat became sore, but instead I wait. "She's obcessed. She came here for the first time at gun point forcing me to tell her about you."

"Sounds kinda romantic if you ask me." Billy replies.

"Stacy's not well... you've seen it. She has no space for anything but anger inside her heart." My mouth flies open at her words. "You think you're safe. But you're not." Krista tells him in a usual therapist tone.

"Well, I don't give a shit about safe. I never did." He states. "You wanna know... Do you wanna know why I think I was scared? Because I was locked in a room with no way out. I am not a..." He swallows hard. "I'm not a house pet, Krista. Stacy knows that."

She doesn't say a word and I keep getting angry at her.

"And, look, I... I know... I know what it is that I lost." He says. "I had everything that I ever wanted. Money, power, love, purpose, my own... my own company. Apparently." He shrugs and I swallow hard. "And, somehow, I managed to throw that all away. I don't know what's worse. Losing it... or not even remembering what it felt like to have it." I look down, feeling sorry for him, he didn't deserve this. "But I want some of it back."

"You've done so much for me already, and I shouldn't be here anymore." Billy finishes his monologue.

"You're leaving?! Now?! That's what you think I am?!" Krista snaps and I clench my jaw. "You think I'm gonna let myself be used by you? I am not to blame. I know that." I hear her walk swomewhere in her office.

"Nobody is blaming you for anything." Billy says.

"People left behind always get the blame." She says angrly, almost sounding like Madani when she's in one of her scary moods. I hear a drawer opening but I don't move.

"Looking for this?" Billy asks "The last woman to point a gun at me got a bullet in the head. Or so you tell me."

"You don't get to decide." Krista stats breathless and I look around.

She's the one talking to me about therapy? She's insaine!

"I am trying to protect you here."

"I will not be the reason you die." Krista states.

"And I won't be the reason that you ruin your life."

"Don't go." She almost begs but Billy walks away.

He looks at me and nods me that was time to go but I stand there, looking at Krista.

"I'll meet you downstairs." I say, not breaking my glance from here.

"Don't do anything stupid-"

"Close the door in your way out." I swallow hard and he walks away finally.


"Shut up." I order.

"I don't know what you're-"

"I'm obcessed?" I ask, repeating her own words. "Is that your profecional diagnost or is it your bitch one?" I spit throwigh gritted teeth.

"Don't kill me, Stacy." She begs and I look at her confused.

"I'm not gonna kill you." I state. "I'm gonna walk out and pretend I never meet you. You won't call the cops because you're too hooked on Billy to put him in danger and since I'll be with him..."

Krista doesn't reply and I look at her from up to down, almost hurt, and walk out of that house.

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