chapter twelve - pain

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We do as I say, Billy would give us Sarah and Zach as long as we would change places

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We do as I say, Billy would give us Sarah and Zach as long as we would change places. The three of us were the only people who could deactivate the countdown we left behind.

The plan was to fake Micro's death and Frank to go with them. I would escape and eventually go to Madani.

We waited for Rawlins and when he and his men arrived, the three of us walked to them. Sarah and Zach had a gallon of gas tied to them and as soon as his men notice Homeland Security cars, they waste no time in setting fire to the gasoline trail.

Billy had his sniper pointed at us and made sure we knew it by calling Frank.

Bullets start flying and I see Micro falling. I take that as my clue to run as fast as I could away from there.

I see a man running behind me and I hit my elbow into his neck, taking his gun and shooting him in the head. I turn around to see how good of an idea it was to shoot them all dead. I look up and notice Billy. He nods in denial and I swallow hard, deciding to do what he told me to.

I look at Madani and see Billy only shooting the tiers of her car and not her.

When I notice, I feel two men's grip on me and push me into the van with Frank. Great fucking plan. They hit me in the head and I pass out.

I feel a strong scent and my eye fly open as I throw my head as fast as I can from whatever is in front of my nose.

I notice I'm once again tied up to a chair and that Billy's staring at me with an angry look in his face.

I look at my side and notice a very bloody Frank.

"You cut your hair." He states blanky and I chuckle. "It looks good." The angry stare turns into something I'm unable to read.

"You ever notice how everytime I see you I'm tied to a chair?" I joke looking at him and he nods in denial.

"You're insain."

"You said that before." I remind him. "You're the one who has me tied to a chair."

"You could have just left." He whispers at me.

"I was about too before your men hit me in the head." I say and he takes a deep breath.

"Just tell us what the password is and I'll try my best to let you go. If I can't, I'll give you a fast death."

"Gee, thanks." I scoff. "I'm sorry, Billy. I guess you'll have to kill me."

"They won't just kill you-"

"They?" I repeat. "You're with them."

"I guess you finally let go of that stupid faith you had in me." Billy scoffs and I look at him from up to down.

"Look at him." I look at Frank and than at the man in front of me. "Look at him!" I yell at him and he finally does as I say. "He was your frind, Billy!"

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