chapter twenty-three - thiefs

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Oh my god what the hell did I do? Billy's guys were

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Oh my god what the hell did I do? Billy's guys were... something. Horny guys who don't know what deodorant is. Charming if you ask me.

As soon as we got to the shitty place we would be sleeping and practicing the thief, they all looked at me from up to down.

"Stacy," Billy intruduces me and I look at them almost disgusted. "She's with us."

"That's a chick." One of them says pointing at me. "She's gonna be a pain in the ass."

I walk towards the man, making sure my heals made enough noise. I look at him from up to down.

"I could break you in half." I say and he gets taken away by my statment.

One of the other men, push him away from me, whispering something in his hear, making the man almost shrink.

The train went as you would expect. Shitty. Bobby, one of the men was behing a dick and got hit in the face by Billy and now one of the others were making push ups. I look around and throw my head back. Even the teather was better when I arrived there. We went on to remind them of the plan.

"What about the chick?" Someone asks and I look at him. "Should you be on the car or something, istead of walking in with us?"

"You think I'm scared?" I tease.

"As a matter of fact, I do." He agrees and I scoff.

"You should check my name on google. See what comes up." I suggest and he frowns as I go back to looking at the map in front of Billy, who was smirking at me.

"It's cold as fuck in her. I'm going to spend the nigh on my place." Jake, one of the men, says, but Billy denies him.

"Nah. better if we all stay together till after the job." He says. ​​"Operational security. From now on, we all stay close until after this thing gets done."

"Get your hands up! I wanna see hands!" Billy screams as we enter the bank with some awfull masks on. "Everybody, stay cool. Nice and cool. That's it. Move!"

I point the gun at the people in front of us, while one of the men ties up the two costumers.

"You, move away from the counter." Billy orders the lady with her hands up but she's too in shook to do so. "Move back!" He yells and she finally complies. "That's it."

"Everybody stay ice cool... and nobody dies today." I say my part as Billy lowers his gun, but I keep mine pointed.

"You, manager. Come here." He orders. "Now, what is your name?"

"Lillian." She replies.

"Lillian, I'm gonna need you to move towards whatever button you gotta push... to open that door over there." He points at the door. "You understand me?"

"Perfectly." she says unchalanlty. "But I'm not going to do it."

"You're not... You're not gonna do it?" Billy asks confused and she nods in deny, if I hadn't the mask on, you could have seen me smiling at her reaction. "You're not gonna do it. I am telling you to!"

"That door won't open. It's on a timer." She lies.

"There's not one person in this entire place who believes that that door is on a timer." He says. "So trust me when I tell you that today is not the day to do this."

This went on for a while, until the man who was with us pushes the woman aside and hits the god forsaken button she wouldn't.

"Get on the wall! Now! Hurry up!" The men yell as they burst into the open door.

"All right, everybody, put your hands together for me just like this." Billy exemplefies as he ties everyone's hands together.

"Stay calm. Nice and calm. Nice and easy." He keeps telling them.

"Hurry up!" I yell at the men trying to storage all the money so that we could take it.

"We're done!"

"Thank you all for your cooperation." I say sarcastacly to the tied up people.

"Lillian, you're a crazy old bird, but I think I like you." Billy says and I scoff. "Now, if it weren't for this guy, you would all be dead. So the next time you see him, do the right thing. Make him employee of the month or something."

I point the gun at his head.

"No! Wait! No! No!" he puts his hands in front of his face and I almost roll my eyes at all of this.

"You're coming with us."

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