chapter thirteen - love

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I must have blacked out around the way cause when I wake up I'm on the couch

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I must have blacked out around the way cause when I wake up I'm on the couch. I knew this place. ANVIL.

I hear groaning and I struggle to sit, when I do, I see Billy taking a bullet from his arm.

"You want help with that?" I ask and he looks at me, letting go of his wound and walking in my direction.

"You're awake." He states as I try to get up. "You shouldn't-"

"Don't tell me what to do." I stop him and grab onto the couch, getting myself straight. "Why did you help me? Madani would have taken me to a hospital or something."

"You'd rather be with Madani than me?" He asks, almost offended.

"You let me get tortured, Billy." I say angrily. "Madani helped us. Everything that happened was being taped."

"Madani." He scoffs.

"You didn't shoot her." I recall and he looks at me confused. "When you took me and Castle, you shot her car. Not her."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you know her?"

"We meet, why?" By the way he's talking I can tell he's hiding something.

"Did you fuck her?"

"You damn right I did." Billy replies through clenched teeth. "You jealous?"

I try my best to walk straight and when I meet him, I grab him by the back of his head, crushing his lips with mine.

As he moves his arm to pull me closer I hear him groan as the wound in his arm kept bleeding.

"Can I?" I look at the wound and he nods, sitting down on the table.

I grab the tweezers from his side and look up at the man, making sure he was okay with me helping him. He looks away and I swallow hard as I look at his wound.

When I touch his wound he immediately groans in pain and I try to be as careful as I can.

"I got it. Stay still." I tell him, placing my free hand in his arm and taking out the bullet.

He groans and grabs the whiskey from the table, pouring it on the open wound making me flinch as I grab the gaze he had on the table and cover it carefully. I give him the pain killers and he takes them gadly.

He goes to move but i hold him still, grabbing a coth that was laying around and cleaning the blood running down his arm.

"How are you feeling?" Billy looks at me when I'm finally done and I take a deep breath.

"Like someone who has just been tortured."

"I'm sorry." He says and for the first time, I could see in his eyes was regret. "I should have stopped him sooner-"

"If it makes you feel better, I would have done the same." I say trying my best to make this as less awkwad as I can and going back to the couch, pushing my shirt slyingly up, noticing how ourple my body was

"No, you wouldn't." He says shortly and I look up at him, frowing. "Frank told me you didn't let him kill me. Is that true?"

Fucking Frank. I say to myself. "It doesn't matter. We're here, aren't we?" I look back at my wounded body.

"He also said you loved me. Is that true?" He asks again and I scoff.

"You really are dumb, aren't you?" I look up at him. "You think you would still be alive if I didn't?"

He doesn't say a word. I stop looking at him and try my best to see how much my body is hurt. Of course I loved him. It's been years and I've loved him since the beginning, I just couldn't tell. I had been able to kill everyone before him. I was supposed to kill Billy more times than I cold count, but I didn't, and everytime I had the chance to help him, I did.

"Do you still love me?" He speaks up and I don't look up at him. "Stacy," He calls.

"I do." I reply, too proud to look at him. "Do you love me?" I find the corage to ask.

Billy doesn't reply right away, almost as if he was making sure what would leave his mouth was true. "I do." He eventually repeats my words and I get up.

He looks at me, not knowing is I was about to slap or kiss him, isntead, I pull him in. Wrappng my arms around his neck.

"Don't break my heart, Billy."  I let out as our foreheads touch and I'm unsure if it's an order of a beg.

"I won't." He assures, looking in my eyes and I lick my lips, looking into his'.

"Good," i push away, giving him a small peck on the lips, "because we need to get the fuck out of here."

"Yeah." He agrees going to grab his black hoodie, and putting it on, grunting from the wound in his arm.

The man opens a hidden door and there's a safe behind it. He takes all the cash inside and puts it on a bag, doing the same with his knife.

"North wing clear." We hear someone say, the voice sounded as if it was coming out of a radio.

"Copy that." Someone replies.

Billy gives me a gun and I gladly take it, and turn off the lights, cleaning everything as best as I can. We both hide at each side of the door and soon enought, two armed cops get in. I shoot the one on the right as Billy shoots the other one.

He grabs the cop's radio and we walk out of the office, walking away from ANVIL, killing everyone in our way. When we get out of the company, Billy clicks on the button of the remote in his hand, causing it to explode as we keep walking.

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