chapter 3 <3

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Authors note: Eating disorder T/W

Badlinu's Pov:
At this point everyone had realised that y/n was fast asleep in my lap. Billzo giggled quietly, "Awh Freddie."
I gave Bill a little glare, "Shut up they were dizzy."
Tommy looked a little worried, "Have you seen them eat at all today Freddie?"
Tommy asked. Y/n seemed like they didn't want to worry Tommy so I decided lied,  "Yeah you were outside with Tubbo." Tommy sighed with relief. We all continued to watch the movie and we talked about sleeping arrangements. We decided on Tubbo, Ranboo and Tommy sharing the king sized bed, Bill and Aimsey sharing a single bed and Me and y/n sleeping top to tail in the single bed. I mean there is the option of the floor but I bet y/n would be okay sleeping top to tail.

Y/n's pov:
I was shook awake by someone, I looked up and saw Freddie. I forgot I had asked to lay in his lap. I looked around and everyone was gone except Freddie. I still felt too dizzy to even walk. I whispered quietly, "Could you help me walk to- wait where am I sleeping?"
I questioned. He smiled and spoke back quietly, "oh in the single bed with me and sure. Just move your head off my lap and try to sit up."
I tried to sit up but I just couldn't do it. I tried again and just about made it. Freddie smiled awkwardly, "Would it be okay y/n if I just pick you up and carry you?"
It took me a few seconds to process what Freddie was saying and then I answered, "Yeah of course, thank you."
And with that he carried me into our room. He propped me up in the bed, "Wait there y/n don't lay down yet."
I just nodded and soon he came back with a piece of bread. "What's the bread for?"
I awkwardly giggled. He looked at me very sternly and said, "Tommy was worried you hadn't ate so I want to make sure you do."
I didn't want to eat the bread. I hadn't eaten since 2 days before we left. "I have eaten so can I just have a half, I'm not really hungry."
I tried to play it off cool. He frowned, "I don't know if I fully believe you but okay."
He then ripped the bread in half and handed me one half. I ate my half and he ate his. He then smiled, "Hmm Im proud of you for eating even if you actually did before."
I giggled, "Thank you."
Freddie came and lay down next to me. "y/n you can trust me, I won't tell Tommy. When was the last time you ate not including the bread?"
He asked seeming almost worried about me. I tried to find something to say- "Today I had- ummmm"
Freddie turned on his side to look at me and raised an eyebrow. "Fine 2 days before we came here but you can't tell Tommy."
Badlinu looked sad, he then spoke in a calm voice "I want you to eat atleast a meal tomorrow or I'm telling him because it's not good for you y/n."
I huffed at what he said, "Fine but only one."
Freddie then smiled softly. I stared to yawn a bit and I smiled and stuttered a little, "U-um could you like hug me or something because I'm v-very cold in here."
I knew I was cold because of not eating and stuff but I just wanted warmth right now. He smiled again, "Okay y/n."He said as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. It wasn't to long until we both fell asleep after that.

end of chapter :)

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