Chapter 11 <3

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Tommy's Pov:

I saw Y/n and the others getting closer, I sighed with relief. I had been so worried about them, I had to keep myself together. "Y/n",
I shouted as they ran towards me, I pulled them into a hug and gave them a kiss on the forehead, "I was so worried about you, are you okay?!"
I spoke quickly. They half smiled, "Tommy, I am fine. Don't worry about me, are you okay?"
Y/n asked as she pulled away. "I'm fine and Jared won't bother us again. The police took him away and explained we can file for a restraining order."
I saw Y/n smile and nod as a tear fell from their eye.

No ones pov:

They all went shopping out and around Bognor and headed back to The Tubbo Gaff, the others should all be back at Tubbo's tomorrow.

Y/n's Pov:

We all got back from shopping and decided on sitting and having a fire out back of Tubbo's. Me, Freddie decided on finishing the rest of the vodka but sadly Tommy had to sit out because after all he is only 17. Tommy still sat with us and him and Will set up the fire. We all gathered round it and told stories, when George showed up out of nowhere, I saw Will's face light up and I giggled, "Hey George what are you doing here?"
George came and sat next to Will on the garden furniture sofa, "I was bored at the hotel and I just thought I could come back early and hang with you guys for a bit."
Will had a massive grin on his face, as he said softly, "Oh cool!"
His grin only got bigger as George rested his head on his shoulder. Freddie nudged me and we tried to keep our laughter in as Will gave us a glare and Tommy look at us confused. Tommy sat next to Freddie with me on the other side of Freddie on the other garden sofa to Will and Gogy.

Freddies Pov:

Me and Y/n giggled at Will and George as Will blushed and gave us a glare. Tommy just looked and confused and he whispered to me, "Does Will like George or something."
I spat the vodka out of my mouth and laughed, everyone turned to me and laughed in unison at me. "What did Tommy say that was so funny?"
George said unknowingly while trying not to burst into fits of laughter. "He just made a funny joke about Ranboo."
I said trying not to laugh again. Everyone just carried on with their conversations again and I whispered back to Tommy, "He might I don't have a clue"
Tommy then smiled and replied quietly, "I think he might just a bit Fredward"

Y/n's Pov:

We were all slightly tipsy now except Tommy and we decided to play tag after we put the fire out. Freddie was on first and we ended up playing hide and seek tag. I didn't see where Tommy went but I hid behind a tree and I could see George and Will behind a bush. I think they thought no one could see the because I saw them have a small peck. I turned back around and nearly had a heart attack as Freddie pulled me in by the waist and whispered "tag I got you."
and then planted a small but meaning full kiss on my lips. I got all flustered and then Tommy ran past and shouted "Ew get a room you two." Me and Freddie both turned back to each other, made direct eye contact, grinned and then both spun to chase after Tommy, "TOMMY GET BACK HERE!"
I screamed at the top of my lungs. "YEAH, OH COME HERE TOMMY." Freddie shouted as he chased Tommy at full speed knocking them both to the ground in hysteric laughter. I laughed along too as the play fought trying to get up.

No ones pov:

They all played for a little longer taking it in turns until everyone was tired out. They all went to bed after that


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