chapter 9 <3

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Badlinu's pov:
I waited until Y/n was asleep and I got up to go have a little chat with Will about what happened. I reached Will's room and knocked the door, I heard a little mumble so I opened the door and sat on his bed looking at him. "So what did you need?"
Wilbur asked with a slight hint of nervous in his voice. I smirked, "Well Y/n told me some stuff about you and mentioned you kissing her, while you were drunk. I'm not mad I just want to know what went on."

Freddie spoke in quite a stern voice. Will looked sad as he spoke, "That did happen Freddie but I really didn't mean to I have a small confession, I really like George but you can't tell anyone."
Freddie was slightly shocked but proud of Will. "Will that's cool, thank you for trusting me and like I said I'm not mad so I wish you and George luck!"
He said with a smile.

Y/n's pov:
I heard Freddie get up and I followed him to Will's room. As soon as he shut the door I leant my ear against it. I listened wide eyed and over heard Will say HE LIKED GEORGE? WAIT REALLY?! I then made the mistake of leaning too far and fell into the room. I awkwardly laughed, "Hey guys?!"
Wilbur and Freddie turned around very quickly. "HOW MUCH OF THAT DID YOU HEAR Y/N,"
Wilbur said panicking. I could hear Freddie laughing. "Ummm just about you not meaning to and YOU LIKING GEORGE."
I smirked at him. Will looked worried, "Please don't tell anyone."
I smiled reassuringly, "Don't worry I wouldn't do that and I forgive you for yesterday by the way."
He returned a small smile and I stood up but immediately fell. I hadn't eaten in quite a while. I kinda just blacked out.

Freddie's pov:
I looked over because I heard a loud bang and I saw Y/n passed out on the floor. Will and me looked at each other and ran over to Y/n. I noticed blood. "Will go get a first aid kit or something please."
I said semi calmly and Will just nodded at me. "Y/n, Y/n, Y/n?"
I spoke softly while shaking them a little. I saw their eyes flutter open and I sighed with relief. Y/n stammered, "D-did I pass o-out?"
Will walked back in with first aid kit and Y/n realised they were bleeding and I could see them start to panic, "Y/n it's only a little dont worry, me and will are going to lift you onto his bed."
I said still trying to stay calm. Me and Will lifted her into Will's bed and I opened the first aid kit.


Y/n's pov:
After Freddie and Will helped me clean up the small cut on my head they decided I needed to eat something. But I really didn't want to. "Freddie and Will Im fine honestly I've been eating."
I tried to lie as I rolled my eyes. Freddie was still having non of it, "Y/n I don't believe you."
He sighed. Will then spoke up, "Yeah Y/n, I haven't seen you eat since the last time you passed out. Therefore you eat or we're going to have to call Tommy."
I started to tear up, "Fine but you can't tell Tommy please."
I begged as a single tear fell from my eye. Freddie and Will looked so ashamed of me, What if they hate me. Nono surely they don't, stop thinking like that. Freddie smiled a little but still looked ashamed and maybe even concerned, "Okay Y/n, how about soup?"
Surely that doesn't have many calories in, I thought to myself, "Sure."
Will gave me a quick smile and stood up, "I'll go make some soup then!"
He said exitedly as he left the room. Freddie pulled me into a hug, " Y/n Im glad your going to eat, I'm really worried about you and I'm sure Will is to. This isn't good. In my eyes your perfect and you don't need to get skinnier or look prettier because your perfect, okay?"
I smiled at his little speech, "Okay Freddie Im sorry and I promise Im trying okay?"
I gave him a quick kiss and burried myself into his chest.

Wilbur's pov:
When I got to the kitchen to make the soup I quickly rang Tommy.

phone conversation:
T: Hey Wilbly, what's up big man?
W: Tommy nothing really but we need a chat, are you alone?
T: Yeah Tubbo and the rest are at the shops. I said I would stay at the hotel because I'm tired. Why is Y/n okay?
W: Yeah she's okay but I'm worried about her. She hasn't been eaten again and she's passed out for a second time today. Because you see she passed out at the beach and that's why we left. She told me not to tell you but I needed to let you know because I'm worried.
W: Calm down please! She's going to hear me on the phone! Yes she's okay and she banged her head a little but we cleaned it up. She's also about to have some soup, I'm cooking it right now.
T: Oh god, I honestly don't know what to do.
W: I know, Tommy don't worry remember my eating disorder? I'm okay now and I'm going to try helping and so is Freddie. You don't stress too much about it but I wanted to let you know.
T: Should I come back Tubbo's?
W: No she'll know I told you, you have fun making the vlogs and doing the streams and me and Freddie will handle it.
T: Okay but I want little reports back every three hours, because I'm worried okay?
W: Sure thing, I'm going to go because the soups almost ready little T.
T: Okay Will, I'll see ya.

end of phone conversation

Sorry but that's the end of this chapter, sorry for the wait and the length but Im trying!

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