chapter 8 <3

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Y/n's pov:
I woke up with a slight headache from last night and I walked into the living room to see if Will was up yet. I kind of remembered what happened and contemplated if even speaking to him was a good idea. Will was on the sofa watching tv, I wondered if he even remembered what happened. I sat next to him and let out a yawn, "Morning Will."
He looked and smiled, "Morning Y/n I had a crazy dream last night. I can't remember who but I kissed someone in a hallway and it was a funny dream."
Y/n frowned, he can't remember it happening, he thinks it was a dream. "Do you remember who?"
Y/n asked anxiously. Wilbur responded with, "Hmmm no but however I see you and Freddie have had some fun."
He pointed at my neck and I looked, SHIT WILBUR LEFT A HICKEY. "Umm Will they're at the hotel until tomorrow remember?"
He furrowed his eyebrows and then all of a sudden it hit him, "Wait Y/n, I didn't give you those did I?"
I hid my face with my hoodie sleeves to hide the embarrassment, "Umm you did-"
Will looked shocked, "I'm so so sorry Y/n, I was really tipsy and-"
I cut him off, "Will it's okay honestly, let's forget about it alright?"
He looked away as if he wanted the conversation to end but then turned back and said, "Wait are you going to tell Freddie?"
I simply said, "No way."
He rolled his eyes, "But Y/n that's wrong of you not to, he deserves to know."
I sighed, "Maybe I'll tell him, I don't know. Just keep out of it, you've did enough Will."
He smirked, "Well if my dream was correct you didn't stop me at first." 
I blushed out of complete embarrassment. Yet again he pulled that face and walked away. Was Wilbur actually starting to get to me. No I like Freddie not Will. I decided to call Freddie and ask him to come to Tubbo's. To him it may have sounded irrational but I didn't want to stay with only Will anymore.

Phone conversation
F: Hiya Y/n
Y/n: Hey Freddie, um could you come back to Tubbo's before tomorrow, like now?
F: I mean sure, why?
Y/n: Um no reason, I love you bye
Y/n hung up

Freddie's Pov:
I got a strange call from Y/n and I'm not going to lie I'm kind of worried. I pulled Tubbo aside and told him that I was leaving. When he asked why I told him I had no clue and with that I left. I arrived at Tubbo's in like 20 mins of a taxi. When I arrived, I walked to mine and Y/n's room. I assumed Will was in some room. Y/n was on the bed crying. I ran over and wiped away the tears, "Woah what's wrong?"
I sat them up and hugged them. Y/n sniffled, "You can't be mad okay? But Will was very drunk last night and kissed he. I told him to stop because I was with you and he stopped but I wanted to see you."
I was pissed off at Will but not Y/n, not even in the slightest. "I wouldn't be mad at you for that Y/n"
Y/n shrugged, "I'm still sorry."
I pulled away from the hug and kissed Y/n, "I love you okay?"
Y/n smiled, "I love you too."

Y/n's pov:
I really expected Freddie to be mad but he was so chill about it. We both just kind of layed down and cuddled laughing and talking about the live stream after I left. He explained that they threw Bill in the water and ran away. However Bill caught up with a hand full of wet sand and put it in Tommy's hair because it was his idea to throw Bill in the ocean.
Freddie turned towards me, "Y/n I really like your eyes."
I giggled, "That was out of no where but thank you kind sir."
He then chuckled, "no problem madam."
He then pulled me in for a kiss and we then cuddled and fell asleep

end of chapter


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