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youngcupid posted a new photo!

liked by edwardclarkephotos, aleshatorres, blairkeane and 1,342,206 othersyoungcupid: The council has spoken @edwardclarkephotos @aleshatorres View all 154,604 comments

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liked by edwardclarkephotos, aleshatorres, blairkeane and 1,342,206 others
youngcupid: The council has spoken @edwardclarkephotos @aleshatorres
View all 154,604 comments

user1 first!

aleshatorres you're an idiot
⤷ youngcupid you love me

user2 and what did they say??
 user3 probably something about murdering Adam
⤷ user4 that's Alesha's ex right
⤷ user3 yessir

user5 I can just TELL which one is which

edwardclarkephotos always honoured to be there
⤷ aleshatorres I thought you promised to stop lying so much?
⤷ youngcupid @aleshatorres leave my boy alone!

user6 I'm scared

user7 who the hell is this guy
⤷ user8 you just wouldn't understand
⤷ user7 well then-

jacobelordi where was my invite?
 youngcupid ew get off my page
⤷ aleshatorres ahaha- I mean, Cupid stop being mean

blairkeane it's good to see you back! ❤️️
⤷ youngcupid it's good to be back! 💙

User8 the holy trinity back at it again

user9 he's posting again and I love it

blairkeane @tchalamet this is the idiot I was talking about
⤷ youngcupid gasp. you've been talking about me??
 blairkeane I was talking about all of you. You're not special
⤷ youngcupid rude
⤷ tchalamet @blairkeane you have interesting friends @youngcupid hi :)

tchalamet followed youngcupid!

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