12 Messages

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Timothy sent a message to Idiot!

I saw you went on a trip with Edward

yeah, it was a good time

did you really give him those hickeys?


Blair told me you guys were just friends
and she thought it was absurd when
I asked if you two were together

well, I mean I did but we aren't together

mixed signals but okay

it's kinda complicated

yeah, haha, I was just asking is all

confused me when she said that

I get that but don't you worry,
I'm a single pringle

I wasn't worried

sure you weren't

Draco Malfoy sent a message to the group chat!

Draco Malfoy
soooo little Timothy just asked if
I was with Eddie

Edward Cullen
oooo really??

Alicia Keys
did he sound jealous?

Draco Malfoy
damn you got here fast and how am I
supposed to know?

Alicia Keys
well it should be obvious

Edward Cullen
they were texting tho

Alicia Keys
if you look at the way he says things
then yes it could be obvious

Draco Malfoy
we don't even know each other

Edward Cullen
and Timothee doesn't even know
what he looks like... or his real name

Alicia Keys
you can like someone with very little info you know

Alicia Keys
probably thinks you're funny or something

Blair Witch
I'd have to agree

Draco Malfoy
oh there she is

Edward Cullen
where did she come from?

Alicia Keys
Blair agreeing with me? really??

Draco Malfoy
wait what were we talking about?

Edward Cullen
the fact that you could finally get a real boyfriend

Draco Malfoy
why'd you put real in there?

Edward Cullen
no reason

Blair Witch
he does NOT stop talking about you
and it's so annoying

Alicia Keys
omg what does he say?!

Draco Malfoy
idk if I wanna know

Alicia Keys
shut up Eros, you don't get a say

Blair Witch
he just keeps saying how funny Cupid is
and how much he wants me to spill who
he is and what he looks like and what his name is

Edward Cullen
gasp. Eros, you may actually have a chance

Draco Malfoy

Alicia Keys
one of us could actually be in a
relationship by the end of the year

Draco Malfoy
you guys are thinking way too ahead

Alicia Keys
this could be it!!

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