10 Facetime

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"Eros! How the fuck are ya?!"

"You have way too much energy, Morph.
What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Off for the day so I thought I'd call you.
How is everyone?"

"Good, good. Dad's still working his ass off.
Ingrid's the absolute best and
Andy is doing great in school."

"God, I miss them.
How are your friends?"

"Great. Blair's working on a movie and
Lesha is in a new show while Eddie
is just doing amazing at photography."

"And you?"

"... I'm good. Yeah."

"Eros. I know when you're lying to me."

"No, seriously, I'm fine.
I just have a lot on my mind."

"Well, you know I'm a call away, you message me
EMERGENCY and I'll drop everything no matter what."

"I know, Morph.
I just don't wanna bother you."

"You could never.
Unless you're being a little asshole...
which is most of the time."

"Ahaha wow, that took a turn."

"But you know I love you and after what happened...
I just wanna make sure you're alright."

"And I am. Don't worry about me."

"But I do, Eros. It's hard being away
from you guys for this long."

"You'll be back soon, won't you?"

"Yeah, one more month I'd say.
Then we can hang out and
I can scare your friends again."

"Ahaha you know they're actually
terrified of you, right?"

"Yeah, I do. Which is why it's so much fun."

"Whatever, Joker."

"Hey! Watch it.
Anyway, I wanted to call dad so we'll talk later?"

"Yeah, cool. It's about the time
Ingrid calls me anyway."

"Alright. Love you, bud."

"Love you too, Morph."



"Hey, honey."

"Hey, ma. What are you doing?
You're covered in flour and... egg?"

"Oh gosh. Your sister thought it was a good
idea to pour a bowl of ingredients on my head.
No- guys! Stop! *laughing* Apollo, you're an adult and
Andy, I'm gonna gobble you up when I'm done!"

[There was a loud squeal and a
thundering laugh in the background]

"That sounds about right."

"Anyway, honey, tell me how you are
while I wipe this stuff off my face."

"Uh, well, I've been pretty good.
Just got off a call with Morph and I've
been talking to my friends a lot.
Blair and Lesha are away which makes me sad
And anxious sometimes but I can deal with it."

"Does having Eddie around make you feel better?"

"Yeah, it really does. He takes my mind off things."

"I know how much you miss your brother and
those girls but they'll be back soon.
Is there anyone new?"

"Umm *nervous laughter* Blair was
talking to her co-workers about us."

"Us or you?"

"Us but I feel it was mostly me."

"And what do you think about that?"

"I'm not sure. I mean I'm not annoyed at her
at all, cause Lesha talks to other actors about us
but this feels different for some reason."

"Why is that?"

"I don't know. He messaged me the other day and
we've been talking and now he actually
has my number so that's new."

"And that hasn't happened before?"

"Nope. They'll usually just
comment on my Instagram."

"Hmmm, new indeed."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. I was agreeing."

"Ugh, I hate that I know you're lying."

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