20 Messages

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My Timothy sent a message to My Idiot!

My Timothy
Hiiii Cupid

My Idiot
... what do you want?

My Timothy
can't I just say hi to my idiot?

My Idiot
mmm that hi had too many I's

My Idiot
something's up

My Timothy
DAMN. I thought you would at
least play along

My Idiot
cough it up Timothy

My Timothy
....... what's your real name????

My Idiot

My Timothy
deadly. Blair won't tell me 

My Idiot
for good reason

My Timothy
whyyyy? Is it that bad?

My Idiot
Nah it's cause I'm really famous

My Timothy
wait really?? who have I been
texting this whole time???

My Idiot
you're adorable Timothy

My Timothy
stop trying to distract me. just tell meeee

My Idiot

My Timothy
why not?

My Idiot
privacy, Timothy, privacy

My Timothy
oh is it really unique or something?

My Timothy
so it's not David or Chris or something?

My Idiot
ew no. no offence to all the
Davids and Chris' out there

My Idiot
look, if you can guess my name I
will let you use it. fair?

My Timothy
no, but I'll play along

My Timothy
you'll actually tell me if I get it right, right?

My Idiot
yeah but you never will

My Timothy
challenge accepted!

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