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youngcupid posted a new photo!

liked by edwardclarkephotos, finnwolfhardofficial, gatenm123 and 1,359,316 othersyoungcupid: What do you WANT @edwardclarkephotos?? I'm workingView all 174,872 comments

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liked by edwardclarkephotos, finnwolfhardofficial, gatenm123 and 1,359,316 others
youngcupid: What do you WANT @edwardclarkephotos?? I'm working
View all 174,872 comments

user1 this was taken on a potato, you can't change my mind
youngcupid blame @edwardclarkephotos
edwardclarkephotos @youngcupid so mean

edwardclarkephotos this bitch is so rude and not giving me any attention at all
youngcupid not when you be calling me all sorts of RUDE names

gatenm123 the screen is blank tho...
youngcupid how dare you come onto my page and bully me!!
gatenm123 so sorry Mr Cupid

noahschnapp I feel bad for @edwardclarkephotos
user2 oh no no, don't worry this is just their friendship
edwardclarkephotos gasp. @noahschnapp is the nicest person ik

user3 Cupid is so offended

aleshatorres are you finally buying plane tickets to come see me?
blairkeane and me?
youngcupid hell to the no
tchalamet @youngcupid what about me?
youngcupid @tchalamet mmm... no. Nope

user4 did anyone see the hesitance in Cupid's answer?

user5 since when were Cupid and Timothee talking?
user6 uhh, where have you been? girl-

tchalamet what an idiot
youngcupid but I'm your idiot

user7 AHHH ^^

edwardclarkephotos posted a new photo!

liked by youngcupid, sadiesink_, blairkeane and 352,756 othersedwardclarkephotos: Look at the heart on this guy @youngcupid View all 74,754 comments

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liked by youngcupid, sadiesink_, blairkeane and 352,756 others
edwardclarkephotos: Look at the heart on this guy @youngcupid
View all 74,754 comments

youngcupid I told you I was a nice guy

user1 omg how did you do that

blairkeane are we sure that's Cupid?
youngcupid fuck you

sadiesink_ okay now that's artistic

user2 I'm sure Cupid's name is Cupid for a reason

tchalamet this gives me faith in Cupid
aleshatorres well then you're fucked
youngcupid @aleshatorres let my Timothy dream

user3 Timothy?? ^

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