02 Messages

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Draco Malfoy has sent a message to the group chat!

Draco Malfoy
so... you've been talking
to your co-workers about us??

Alicia Keys
wait what?

Alicia Keys
You already know that

Draco Malfoy
not you

Edward Cullen
well, it's not me

Blair Witch
you came up randomly okay

Blair Witch
he was curious

Draco Malfoy
Idk if I should feel flattered or violated

Blair Witch

Alicia Keys
I'm surprised it took her this long
to tell people about us

Edward Cullen
yeah cause we're the only interesting
thing about Lesh so she just HAD to tell people

Alicia Keys
fuck u, Clarke

Draco Malfoy
it's Cullen and leave him alone

Edward Cullen
yeah, what he said

Draco Malfoy
shut up Eddie

Draco Malfoy
anyway! Who's this tchalamet guy?

Blair Witch
an actor I work with

Blair Witch
you know this already

Draco Malfoy
yeah well he just followed me
so imma stalk him

Alicia Keys
wait he just followed me too...

Edward Cullen
... uhhhh

Edward Cullen
oh wait, there it is

Draco Malfoy
he followed you? cause if not imma
beat his ass 

Edward Cullen
yeah, he liked my recent picture!

Alicia Keys
you're way too protective 

Blair Witch
It's his Eddie baby what do you expect?

Draco Malfoy
my boy needs protection!!!

Alicia Keys
so dramatic

Blair Witch
I have to get back. talk later

Edward Cullen
he commented!!

Draco Malfoy
you're adorable Eddie baby

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