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Blair Witch has created a new group chat!

Blair Witch
okay, we need to sort this shit out

Blair Witch
it's been longer than usual

Alicia Keys
I agree, I feel like he's going deeper into his depression when
he usually bounces back like nothing happened

Edward Cullen
All he does is sleep. It's been two weeks. You guys know it scares
me when he's like that

Blair Witch
we know Eddie baby. Which is why we have to
do something

Alicia Keys
like what??

Blair Witch
idk thats why I need your help

Pill guy
well we need to do something quick or he's gonna
relapse again

Edward Cullen
what about Ingrid? What did she say?

Pill guy
she's doing her best but Eros just lays there unresponsive

Alicia Keys
what's causing this other than the obvious reason?

Pill guy
not trying to guilt-trip you but he hasn't seen you guys or me
for a year. we also had a scare when dad had that heart attack
the other month. He hates it but he's a sensitive person

Blair Witch
that's for sure but we love him all the same

Edward Cullen
he keeps getting nightmares, he never used to get those

Pilly guy
he wake up?

Edward Cullen
yeah, I need help, he can't breathe

Blair Witch
is he okay??

Alicia Keys

(20 minutes later)

Edward Cullen
he's okay, he's asleep again

Alicia Keys
fuck you scared me

Pill guy
hey, what about that Timmy guy?

Blair Witch
what about him?

Pill guy
what if he could help

Alicia Keys
you mean like fly him down and surprise Eros out
of his emotionless shell?

Pill guy
it's worth a shot. I heard they really like each other

Edward Cullen
Eros does seem really happy whenever they message 

Blair Witch
I'll add him

[Blair Witch has added Timmy]

... hi

Pill guy
Timmy, my guy

Blair did you invite me to your drug deal??

Blair Witch
what? no

Alicia Keys
I literally just snorted


Blair Witch

Blair Witch
shut up Lesh

Edward Cullen
stay focused people

Pill guy
Timmy, it's me, Morpheus, your lover's brother


Blair Witch
Morph you're no help

Alicia Keys
no no he's right

Edward Cullen
can we get back to the problem?

Pill guy
right. anyway, we need your help

Blair Witch

Blair Witch
Timmy, do you want to meet Eros?


Alicia Keys
wowe, I can feel his love for Eros from here

Pill guy
we have a plan

I'm listening

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