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youngcupid posted a tweet!

ghost man | youngcupid
You know this is getting out of hand when 12-year-olds decide they want to know your name...

finn | finnwolfhard
I'M NOT 12!!!
ghost man | youngcupid
I think someone needs to take their nap

username1 | username1
I swear cupid just knows everyone now 

username2 | username2
things are getting interesting

blair | blairkeane
I knew the ST kiddies would like you
ghost man | youngcupid
I hate you

timothee | tchalamet
I did not authorize that
finn | finnwolfhard
it had to be done

username3 | username3
cupid is so random

eddie | edwardclarke
ghost man | youngcupid
I know I am

username4 | username4
I have no idea what's going on

username5 | username5
blair is so an instigator
username6 | username6
where a gator??

that bitch alesha | aleshatorres
I'm so invested
⤷ eddie | edwardclarke
you and me both

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