18 Messages

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My Idiot sent a message to My Timothy!

My Idiot
W H A T T H E F U C K ??

My Timothy
W H Y A R E U T A L K I N G L I K E T H I S?

My Idiot 

My Timothy

My Idiot
SOMEONE changed your contact name on my phone

My Timothy
who? and to what??

My Idiot
well it was either you with some hacking shit
or it was my roommate, Edward Cullen

My Timothy

My Idiot 
he changed it to...

My Timothy

My Idiot
'My Timothy'

My Timothy

My Idiot
so weird. I don't get it

My Timothy
that's weird

My Idiot
why are you suddenly being dry?

My Idiot
I'm telling you I didn't do it

My Timothy
no, I believe you

My Idiot
I don't think I'll change it tho

My Timothy
what? Why?

My Idiot
can't be bothered and it's not
like I know any other Timothys

My Timothy
but that's not even my name

My Idiot

My Timothy
it's TIMOTHEE with 2 e's

My Idiot
oooo right

My Idiot
... still not changing it

My Timothy
didn't expect you too :)

My Idiot
ehh, don't be acting cute now.
I don't like it

My Timothy
sure you don't 

My Idiot
you're insufferable
I shouldn't have said anything

My Timothy
well, it's too late My Idiot

My Idiot
yeah yeah

My Timothy

My Idiot
MY Timothy

My Timothy

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