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youngcupid posted a tweet!

ghost man | youngcupid
Wish Timothy luck in trying to guess my name!!

username1 | username1
he does know it's Timothee right?

timothee | tchalamet
I will win this!!
ghost man | youngcupid
sure you will

username2 | username2
wowe, seriously, good luck Timmy

blair | blairkeane
oh god no

username3 | username3
this is the best-kept secret since the fake moon landing...
and people don't even know for sure

finn | finnwolfhard
wait now I wanna know
@tchalamet tell me when you figure it out
timothee | tchalamet
I got you, Wheeler
ghost man | youngcupid
this is betrayal at its finest level

eddie | edwardclarke
and people think Cupid and I are chaotic

username4 | username4
Eddie coming in with the facts

that bitch alesha | aleshatorres
Cupid only agreed cause he knew Timothee would never get it right
ghost man | youngcupid
pretty much

username5 | username5
I'm still confused about their relationship...

Greek God | T. CHALAMETWhere stories live. Discover now