Worth (Moonsun) ✓

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It's a blissful morning

The weather is great! Different colors of flowers and trees swaying gently in the wind. Different varieties and species of fishes in the small pond moving on it's different ways. As if they are playing and chasing each other.

Everything were fine and happy.

But not for the girl who's seating under the big tree, leaning her back while throwing small pieces of bread on the pond, feeding the fishes

She seems so lonely, worried and bothered from the thought playing in her mind.

She looks like a painting in which her artist portraying a melancholy feeling

"Ddun!" Byulie nudged the girl which made the latter flinched and shot at death glare to the younger


"You seemed a bit preoccupied... Care to share?" The younger said, taking her way sitting beside the older

"Byulie, can you be honest?" Yongsun said taking a glance to the younger who's obviously concerned and worried to her unnie

"Am I really worthy?" Yongsun continue. Byulie shot her a confused look. Trying to decipher what was the older asking

"I mean. Am I really worthy as MAMAMOO's leader? As your unnie? As your friend? Your family? Am I really important?" Yongsun asked.

So, this is the reason why she looks bothered. Byul thought

"You know what? You're like that carp" Moonbyul lifted her arms as she pointed the fish, waggling her tail and fins non-stop as if it was playing with them.

The Carp she pointed out is the only different specie from the pond which is full of Koi and Goldfish.

"AM I LOOK LIKE A CARP TO YOU?" Yongsun asked in disbelief

"When did I told you that you look like carp? I said, 'YOU'RE LIKE' not 'LOOK LIKE' " Moonbyul emphasizing each words

"I thought you said-"

"Ofcourse not unnie. It looks better than you tho" Moonbyul which earned a hard punch on her shoulder came from Yongsun


"Well, your jokes isn't funny." Yongsun sarcastically, rolling her eyes. Moonbyul cackled from how cute her unnie

That's true, she's just trying to make her unnie laugh. Though, this isn't the time for joking but seeing her unnie being stress and lonely made her feel like burdened. She feels like useless, as if she didn't do anything to help her unnie especially in this kind of situation

"What I'm trying to say, You're LIKE that carp" Byulie continued, trying to gain her unnie's attention which she succeeded. Yongsun looks at her, genuinely waiting and listening from what is she saying

"As you can see. That carp seems like alone abd different from any other fishes from that pond.And I named her Han. You know what? While looking at her, I thought, what is the feeling of being alone? Being different from other? Han seemed playful right? The way she wave her fins, she looks really happy. She's trying to get everyone's attention. Including our attention. "

"But according to the man who's taking care of them, Han was a bit stress. Since, she's alone. Just like people, ofcourse, animals needed company too"

"The owner told me, in some other countries, carps are pests. But in some, especially Europe, Carp in one of the best cuisine that they have"

"Then I suddenly thought about you. I know you've been stress lately. Even you don't tell us. We can feel it. Even the kids, Hyejin and Wheein asking me if you're okay."

"Unnie, What I'm trying to say is you don't have you don't have to force yourself just to be like by others. Do what makes you happy. When you felt others trying to despise you, always remember those people who's trusting and believing in you. You're always worthy, Yong. Honestly, without you beside us. Without you as our leader, I dont know what would happen from the group. "

Yongsun smiled from what Moonbyul told her. It honestly made her happy and she feel appreciated. Byul is right though, she should not worry if there's a lot of people dislike her. All that matter is those who's trusting and believing in her. Those people next to her supporting and loving her.

The fans, managers, her family, and her members. That's what matters for her.

"Finally! You're smiling now. It's a long speech. Isn't it?"

Yongsun laugh from the younger's statement. She even released a deep sigh as if she lifted something really heavy.

"Byul-ah thank you. " The only thing that she could to the younger. There's no words to express how thankful she is for the latter's words and advices.

"No worri- OUCH!" Byulie talked but got distracted when big mango fell and hit her head "FUCK THAT MANGOE!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Yongsun burst into laughter seeing Byul's face in pain. That's really hurt tho.

"YOU- HAHAHAHA SHOULD'VE- HAHAHAHAHAHA SEEN- HAHAHAHAHA YOUR FACE- HAHAHAHAHA" Yongsun holding her stomach trying to stop herself from crying and laughing too much when she saw the younger's face. She's now being annoyed. But for Byul, she's just making it funny to make her unnie happy

"You should be thankful that I love you-"

"HAHAHAHAHA YOU LOVE ME- WHAT?" that's the cue for Yongsun finally stopped for laughing as she look at latter confusedly

She love what?

"I-I mean. I-I love carp. Yeah! He-he-he that's right. I-I love carp. " Moonbyul stuttering

"I-I should eat h-her. I-I m-mean- feed h-her. Yeah! Feed H-han" Moonbyul nervously said

"Whoo! It's too hot here unnie. We should get back. We still have practice right?" Moonbyul said. Immediately stood and walk leaving the older confused, can't be able to walk as she's trying to understand what was the younger said

I mean, it doesn't make sense. Yongsun thought.

A/n: our lesson earlier is about carp 😅

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