home (Moonsun)

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I was almost home after a few more steps. But I stopped for a moment when I noticed these puppies walking down the street. They're like friends walking home.

I stopped to observe them. I don't know why, but they're entertaining to watch.

My gaze followed them, but they came to a halt in front of a massive gate.

When the gate opened and his owner came out, I saw the puppy's joy. When his master picked him up, his tail's waggling excitedly

But it was heartbreaking to see when it sent the other two puppies away.

That's when I realized the two had nowhere to stay.

I can see the sadness in their eyes.

I felt sad when I suddenly remembered myself.

They, like me, have nothing to go home to.

There is no one who is excited for me.

There is no one waiting for me every time I return home.

Nobody cooks food for me.

Nobody ever hugs me when I get home.

I have no one beside me.

I started walking back home. I bowed as tears streamed down my cheeks.

Maybe I'm just just tired.


just tired

Is it too much to ask for someone to be there for me?

someone who needs me as much as I need her?

A lot is going through my head.

I stood for a moment at the door of my apartment, took a handkerchief from my pocket, and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

when the door to my apartment unexpectedly opened

She went out at the same time.

"You're here," she said. "What happened?"

Her eyes are filled with concerns and worries

She raised her hands and gently wiped my tears away

I couldn't hold myself back

I sobbed as I hugged her.

She gently rubbed my back, as if to reassure me that everything would be fine.

She didn't ask any questions. but I know she's willing to listen.

"Byul, I just want you to know I'm here for you, okay?"

"thank you" is the only thing I can say from that moment

That's when I realized I wasn't alone.

I've had her.

I always have her.

She is always there for me.

I remembered the scene earlier. I wasn't the puppy without a home but the puppy that his master awaited when he returned home

I always have her

my home

"Yong... Thank you"

"Don't cry, Byul-ah~ Let's go inside. I made you some food because I know you're tired from work," she said.

She kissed my cheek softly, then took my hand and led me into my apartment.

I found her

A long time ago

Before we reached at the table where she was prepared the food, she said the word I'd been waiting for and that will definitely change my life.

"It's a yes, Byul."


"and that 'yes' becomes 'I do' right mom?" Wheein remarked. She is extremely curious to know about her parents' story

"And that's how you got Wheein and me; we're now what you call your home, right, ma?" Hyejin continued.

"Of course," Byul replied with a chuckle.

"I met your mom unexpectedly but the best thing happened in my life. Because, if I didn't meet her, maybe there wouldn't be anyone like you in my life."

Hyejin questioned, "What do you mean unexpected, ma?"

The two were clearly fascinated by knowing about their parents' love.

But Yongsun showed up with snacks before Byul could start a new story.

Yong set the platter down, "and that will be another time. but now you eat first okay?"

"Ay ay captain!"

exclaimed the two, playfully saluting Yong as if she were their boss. which amused their parents

She is, after all, the boss.

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