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Izuku Midoriya was a student in U.A. loving every moment with his classmates. Every step he took was a step closer of becoming a Hero that saves people with a smile. Ever since All Might chose him to be his successor on becoming the new symbol of peace.

Izuku was in his dorms early enough to get ready for class as he was happier than usual wanting to see his friends. After he got dress he went straight towards the common area where no one was present at the moment.

Izuku:(thoughts) Huh? that's weird Uraraka and Iida would wait for me at this moment. Perhaps they're at class I better get there as soon as possible.

Izuku didn't see anyone from 1a so he decided to go straight to class. Upon entering he greeted them with his smile. The only thing he got back in return was the piercing intense glare from everyone including Mr Aizawa.

Izuku:(Confused) Is Everyone okay? What's going on?

Izuku was confused for a moment before everyone turn at him with hatred and yelled at him.

Iida:(Angry) Shut it you traitor!!!

Izuku was surprised and confused when Iida called him a traitor along with everyone else in the room. Izuku was about to say something about what's going on until he was wrapped around Mr Aizawa scarf with a deadly look.

Aizawa: Izuku Midoriya I hereby place you into custody of secretly giving information to the League of Villains.

Aizawa shown him stealing secret files and giving it to the league.

Izuku:(Shock) W-what? I don't know what your talking about Sensei! I would never do something like that!!

Uraraka:(Tears) Drop the act!!! Why did you do it!? Why did you betray us!?

Mina:(Upset) Why did you do it!??

Todoroki: After everything we been through you been on their side this entire time!!! you traitor!!!

Izuku: I didn't- ack!!

He couldn't get to finish his sentence when he got punch in the stomach by Mirio when he heard the news of Midoriya being the traitor.

Mirio:(angry) Why Izuku!! You traitor!!

Izuku couldn't catch his breath fast enough before looking up to sees Eri nearby she looked betrayed by seeing him.

Izuku:(stammering) E-eri.... I swear Im not the traitor....please... You have to believe me...

Eri turn away from him completely seeing her once savior a bad guy as tears form from her eyes going back to nejire. Izuku felt like a piece of him shattered from seeing Eri turning her back away from him.

Aizawa:(Harshly) Let's go you villain.

Izuku didn't know what's going on about everything his mind went blank before seeing All might looking sad and disappointed.

All might: Young Midoriya I'm sorry for this.

Izuku shook his head trying to get away from All Might from taking One for all from him. Since All Might gave Midoriya OFA he could take it back since it was connected to him.

Izuku:(thoughts) Why...

Everyone in class 1a didn't know what to feel about this they all felt betrayed from the fact Midoriya was the secret Traitor of U.A.

The Pros took out of the class as other students were cheering that they caught the traitor. After taking him to the police station to gain Intel about the L.O.V. where he sat in the cell there before the police decided what to do with him.

Izuku:(thoughts) why.....why.........why.......why...... .........Why.....WHy...........WHY!!!!!?? IM NOT THE TRAITOR !!! AFTER EVERYTHING I HAVE DONE FOR THEM!!! THEY TURNED THEIR BACKS ON ME BELIEVING IN A LIE!!? Was everything a lie? Was All Might believing I can be a hero was lie? Did my relationship with Eri a lie? Was everything some sick joke!??

Izuku broke down crying that the very people he trusted turn their backs against him and Eri didn't believe him of not being the traitor.... . inside his heart every bond and connection to those he was close to shattered in millions of pieces breaking that very bond he once had with them.

Izuku:(Crying)..... Damn it!!!! I won't forgive them!!! After seeing their true colors they're no longer my family!!!!

Izuku passed out within moments after his outburst Tears of betrayal unaware he activate something dormant within his genes. He was in a deep sleep as if it were a dream of Falling endlessly into nothing.


Izuku open up his eyes from falling asleep he wonder what's taking so long with the officers on questioning him. His eyes opened widely noticing he was in his dorm room he sees that he's in his sleeping wear before checking his phone as he paled in realizations as he saw the date.

Izuku:(Thoughts) How is this possible!!? There's no way..... Did I have some time traveling quirk!!?

He heard a knock on his dorms he turns towards his door before hearing a voice that made him sick to his stomach.

Uraraka:(Cheerful) Deku! You almost ready?

Izuku was reminded of what happened when they falsely accused him of being a traitor. Seeing the look on her face when he was taken to the police as All might taking back his quirk. Everyone he once trust was now a stranger to him no longer a friend towards him.

Izuku:(thoughts) I will never forgive anyone of them they shattered my trust!!! They shattered everything i had given them and for what nothing!!!

Uraraka was waiting for Izuku to open his door so they can hang out oblivious to her what have occur within Deku. Then izuku open the door not even looking at her when she greeted him with her smile.

Uraraka:(smile) Hey Deku what's up? I wanted to know if you want to hang out with me and Iida?

Izuku didn't give her a glanced not a single word as he passed by her. Uraraka smile diminished a bit when Izuku gave her the cold shoulder as he was walking away.

Uraraka:(concerned) Deku Kun are you alright?

Izuku:(Hostile) Don't call me that b****.

Uraraka was shock on what he said as he was walking away from her making her stop in her tracks to process what he called her.

Izuku:(thoughts) They lost right to know me from this point on Im on my own now!!!! I will be my own hero!!!!

Time Knows No Bounds (Betrayed Deku)Where stories live. Discover now