Chapter 9

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The skies we're dark as rain hitting the ruins of the forgotten world as a hooded figure was walking what remains of the city. The hooded figure glances upwards towards the sky seeing the beautiful moon that brighten the world. She Wondered how long it has been since the fall where everyone lost their lives remembering how bright it was before. She heard something as she saw a flying figure was gliding towards the crumbling building landing perfectly besides it's falling slabs of concrete. She knew who it was so she just watch as the figure began his massacre on the survivors.

???:(Dark Chuckle) Targets aquire. Proceed to kill.

The next thing that happened next was gunshots and screaming while he was laying waste killing them within moments. The figure saw his ally then he smiled at her as he jumped turning his back into jets flying towards her.

???:(grin) So like the bloodshed?

Unknown women:(Stern) Trax what the hell are you doing? Shouldn't you be back at the base doing your job?

Trax: Ahhh well I was bored so I decided to hunt some snobs that are still alive just waiting to be slaughtered. They're pretty much helpless so it's fair game for me and besides I already fulfilled the paperwork I was given so taking my time off.

The mysterious woman was about to speak until another appeared out of nowhere landing on the broken street while dust was flying away.

Trax:(Angry) Tch. Always with the dramatic entrance!!? So what's the deal onslaught!!?

The newcomer rises upwards as he stand tall as 9ft. above the two individuals themselves as he would strike fear in people's hearts. He didn't seem please but did what he was command to do.

Onslaught:(Robotic) You better have a reason to bring me here.

Unknown women: Indeed I have some information regarding to the time users whereabouts. So I was requested to send you both through time and space to retrieve it's power and bring it to back to our Master.

The two looked at her seeing that she's serious so they wondered what happened to that power as it was lost to them. From their research they gather it would return to it's owner but they never could identify who the owner of the time manipulation quirk.

Trax:(livid) That's absurd!! No one has never have a single clue on where it's original owner so how did you find this person.

Unknown:... It's none of your concern.

Trax and onslaught heard her tone with no room for questioning her about sensitive information. She looked at the two before powering herself up to send these two back in time she pulled back her hood revealing herself to this dead world. The two were shaking despite their appearance and personalities they fear her the most unlike their fellow comrades.

Unknown: Your target is going to be an individual known as Izuku Midoriya. He's the original holder of the time manipulation ability don't underestimate him even if he's still in the beginning stages of his power he still wields the power of One for All. Use any method means necessary don't worry on disturbing the timeline it's will lose it's effect on you. Now go.

Trax:(smirks) Very well then. Let's get started.

Onslaught:(thoughts) Izuku Midoriya..... The ninth user of One for All.... The true wielder of time manipulation must be terminated.

She sends the two back in time as her quirk was spent making her weak for a moment before recovering herself. She looked at the sky once more feeling a wave of nostalgia she sigh before walking away. She has a horn on the side of her head with her red eyes looking dim.

Eri (Alt.) : Father get yourself ready for the events to come. You'll pay for abandoning me.

[Note:This is an alternate timeline that already took place it doesn't share with original timeline where Izuku was betrayed this is a multiverse time travel concept. So not to be confused that this timeline already came and went however it's parallels the original one.]

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