Chapter 7

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After the meeting with nezu and Tsubomi he decided to rest on the floor and let his adopted children sleep on his bed with some new clothes. Suu looked very happy that they don't have to live on the streets anymore and Vince was knocked out once he laid on the bed.

Izuku:(thoughts) I'm glad they don't have to live out there anymore fighting to stay alive. I hope I can do this on my own raising them.

Izuku didn't think his life would ever go this path since he started U.A. though it was unexpected that everyone turn their backs against him. Though they won't even remember since he jumped backwards in time after being sent to jail. His relationships with his classmates were rocky he hasn't even talked to them since that day now he's on his own path to be a hero. Izuku glanced at his sleeping children giving a small smile as he tucked them in blankets to stay warm for tonight as he laid on the ground looking at the ceiling wondering what tomorrow brings. While nezu was thinking inside his office rethinking of the new information given to him.

Nezu:(thoughts) From what Tsubomi chan said about Izuku being framed as the U.A. traitor has strained the relationship with him causing him to be distance from the rest of his classmates and teachers. She showed me everything and him being innocent. We failed as teachers and pros yet no one remembers a thing of the past.

Nezu looked at the memory again and again before sighing for the 70th time already realizing his future self mistake. He took a sip of his warm tea before what to do next since he's a rodent of his word that he will provide help for Izuku's children and training regiment. Nezu prays that Midoriya would forgive U.A. but he knew that the trust was severely broken. Nezu closes his eyes for a moment before opening them up with determination.

Nezu:(thoughts) From this point on we will atone for what we have done to him.

The next day...

Izuku eye's slowly open woken up to see Suu and Vince laying next to him on the floor as Suu was close to him as Vince legs were over him as drool was present. Izuku smile inwardly even it's been a few days he became attached to them as well caring for them as a young parent. Izuku looked at the time as he was early in the morning.

Izuku:(thoughts) I have woken up way too early today but either way I have to train this time quirk one way or the other.

As Izuku tried to get up off the floor so he could put his kids on the bed so he could get ready for today. However, Suu snuggle inwardly to Izuku as she was comfortable near him as Vince moved a little with his loud snoring.

Izuku:(thoughts) sigh I guess I could sleep a little more I just hope tsubomi won't kill me for missing early morning training.

Inside the building Mirio was talking to All might about Izuku being distance from everyone since a few days ago. Mirio was concerned for him ever since then he wanted to give him some space. Even after awhile Midoriya was hostile to his friends in 1a.

Toshinori: I haven't seen Young Midoriya for a while since that day began I'm wonder what happened to him.

Mirio: Yeah but that's not the only thing izuku has been very distance from Eri too.

This got Toshinori's attention he knew that his successor has saved Eri during from the Overhaul raid. Izuku gave away his blood and strength to save Eri from the monster. But, now hearing Mirio saying his protege was being distance from Eri was shocking for him.

Toshinori:(Shocked) That's absurd young Midoriya wouldn't distance himself from her she herself sees him a fatherly figure. I wonder what the cause of this is...

Mirio:(concern) Yeah but something else is going on with Eri. She hasn't been herself since yesterday when her and nejire went to 1a dorms to visit. She came back with the blank expression as if she was lost or something.

Toshinori looked at Mirio before thinking what was wrong with his successor he was going to find out what's going on. Meanwhile Eri was looking at the drawing she made for Izuku as she wanted to surprise him with but never got the chance to do so..... probably never will as tears hit the drawing staining the colors.

Eri:(thoughts) I thought I was....but.....why papa....did you forsake me for them....

She remembers the moments with Izuku where she was happy with him enjoying the good memories loving every moments. Until she heard izuku that he adopted some other kids besides her which she's slowly developing jealous and hate towards the fox kids. She was hoping when Izuku would make her his daughter but that never happened. Her tears went away as she started to giggle softly before laughing crazy abit.

Eri:(Thoughts) Izuku is my Papa!! I won't let him be taken from me!! I will show them that HE'S MY PAPA!!! AND MINE ALONE!!

Meanwhile in our universe.

Gus:(concern) Hey guys are you okay?

Shi/ Sho:(Fearful) We feel a disturbance... Loli Yandere.... awareness.... God help us...

FBI agent: 😑

Gus:(sweatdrop) What the....?

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