Chapter 10

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Training with Tsubomi was something Izuku never took into account he was running for hours while using some amount of his time enhancements trying to catch his breathe.

Izuku:(gasping) Dear god I could feel my lungs trying to kill me....

Tsubomi:(Stern) It's the best way to increase your stamina for your quirk!! Though I have been thinking recently about OFA see having two of the most powerful quirks can easily drain your stamina at a quick rate.

Izuku:(curious) So does that mean I'll have to abandoned OFA?

Tsubomi:(thoughtful) Not necessary, Izuku you can still wield OFA and Time manipulation though you must feed your spirit with everlasting determination!! The more you worked on yourself the better the results will come!!

Izuku thought about OFA and Time manipulation for a moment they didn't give the best mix as he originally thought. Izuku realized that OFA can be quickly drain by the time manipulation quirk so he wonder if he should give up OFA so he could solely focus on his real quirk. But taking Tsubomi's words accounted for he'll have to be more determine in training and strong willed than he ever was.

Izuku:(determine) Let's do this!! I'm going to do my best!!

Tsubomi:(smiles) Good then now...GET YOUR ASS UP AND TRAIN LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW!!

Izuku:(thoughts/sweatdrops) Wow she changes her personality on a dime...

All might was watching his protege from afar training to improve on becoming the new symbol of peace. Inside Izuku's mind he was now fired up to be his own hero he hasn't forgotten those scars that his former friends inflicted upon him. His anger was now focus on becoming the best hero for those who truly need help in this unjust world.

Inside the dormitories Kota was having fun with Suu talking about how izuku saved his life from a murderer making him remember that his hero had done to protect him. Suu had stars for eyes for a long while talking to kota as if they been friends for a long time she really likes talking to him enjoying the moment.

Suu:(Awe) Papa actually protected you from a villain!!

Kota: Yeah he's so awesome I remembered him punching the day lights out of that bas- uhhh.... Bad guy.

He was about to say "bastard"  until he saws the innocent look on her face making him sugar coat on his wording he didn't want to become the next exploding Pomeranian. Suu looked Amazed of what her papa has done for kota she also had the same experience not to long ago with her older brother. She remembers what it's like to be helpless being threatened without hope then an angel  step forth and took down the villains willing to throw himself to hell and back for their sakes.

Suu:(Smiling) He's amazing.

Meanwhile in the outskirts of the city two bright lights made impacted on the ground shaking everything as construction was being destroyed. After the dust had settled down two silhouettes from the crater emerged from the smoke revealing the two hunters from the alternate world.

Trax:(loud) It sucked me in there's nothing I couldn't do about it!! Guess that seems we have made it thanks to that crazy yandere psychopath of a woman who has a f****** weird father complex going on that crazy b****!!!

Onslaught:(robotic) Remember what we came here for Trax..... We must obtain the time users whereabouts in order to get the power he wields.

Trax:(Sarcastic) Yeah, yeah like I don't know Mr anti expression of souls.

They both look at the beautiful city of Japan unlike this one theirs no longer exist thanks to the stupid war that took place in the alternate world.

Trax:(sigh) Too freaking bright and beautiful if you ask me... How the hell are we going to get him in this candy land nightmare.

Onslaught looked at the city knowing that his scanners can't pinpoint the location of the Time user since they're in a different world. They'll have to look for him in this world and the highest possiblity of HER being here too.

Onslaught:(robotic) Trax we need to apprehend Izuku Midoriya the time user before he could reach to his fullest potential.

Trax:(sigh) I guess since it would mostly take a while to get to him since we don't know what the hell he's is at the moment. That Father complex chick didn't gave us his freaking location damn!!

They both heard something from the distance seeing something they haven't seen in years. Police vehicles and along side them pro hero's heading towards them without knowing who they're up against.

Trax:(smirks) Heroes.... You know what let's have some fun shall we?

Onslaught:(robotic) Affirmative.

That was the day they made their debut in this world killing all the heroes in their path in search of the Time user. Izuku Midoriya is completely unaware of the events to come.

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