Chapter 13

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Tsubomi:(sigh) Let me guess you two are outcasts of your own alternate world?

She blankly stares at the two unexpected visitors deep in there souls as they are very confused on what's happening. Earlier today she was meditating gathering her thoughts until she felt a disturbance of an opening portal close by as she can only range them at a close proximity. She was alarmed at first hoping it wasn't an enemy from her world.

Tashi:(nods) Y-yes Ma'am.

Tsubomi: How did you got kick out from your world?

Izuni:(hesitant) W-well.....

Izuni looked sad as they remember the last person who they pushed away and as a result became a villain. They tried to bring him back. Unfortunately, they failed as he banished them with his final words still echoing in their heads.

[Unknown: This is goodbye forever......bro......sis....I wish things could've been different.]

The next thing they remember was floating together in the void which felt like an eternity until an opening gave them a second chance. Then they been found by none other than Tsubomi.

Izuni:(saddened) If only it could've be different......

Tashi looks at his sister with a knowing look it was their fault in the first place and now they're paying the ultimate price. They don't remember how long they been in the void though the only thing on their minds earning to return home.

Tashi: Is there a way for us to return home? We can't stay here......we still have to atone for what we have done..... please is there any way?

Tsubomi:(sigh) I'm sorry.....when you said something about a void. From my understanding from someone very important to me you two must be really lost to time and space.

Izuni:(uncertain) What do you mean?

Tsubomi:(Sad) What I'm saying is that you won't be able to return home. The chances are non-existent....I'm very sorry......

This news broke Izuni and Tashi as they both realized they will never return home seeing their parents..... friends.....or their little brother.

Tashi:(crying) Damn it......what are we going to do now....

Izuni:(thoughts) We put ourselves in this position and now we're paying for it....

Tsubomi remembers that time may have no bounds but they're are certain parts of time that can be very easy to get lost. Luckily for her she felt like something guiding her and then she's was able to find him again even if he's a slightly different.

Tsubomi:(thoughts) The void is also the place where I have found Izuku his connection with time was something i need to help him so he can master it before anything else happens. Time can out stretch through boundaries of the infinite worlds and yet.....


In the alternate future Alt. Eri was called in a meeting as she headed towards the chamber with a straight face. She opens the doors and sees the rest of the members waiting for her as she sees them before entering.

Unknown women:(sneered) About time you showed up.

A women known for tempting men and women alike seducing them easily given into their desires before getting the victims trapped before draining their blood by her fangs while being inside a cocoon. Evelyn the spider succubus.

Unknown man:(Calm) Be respectful Evelyn she's the most important member of the ranks above our own. (Loud) SO BE MORE DAMN RESPECTFUL TO OTHERS!!

A man looking in his late twenties with a small scope on his eye looking presentable but with the most complex multi personality disorder. Vincent the vengeful academic.

Knox:(sigh) I wonder what's the reason of being here....

A young teenager known for his cunning twisting the minds of weak minded. Controlling them as puppets for his personal gain. Knox the twisted deceiver. Next to him was a young girl with resilient aura surrounding her was just waiting for the meeting to be commence.

Vincent:(calm) It's been known that the time user is in the alternate past known as Izuku Midoriya. He quite the delightful young man..... How unfortunate he needs to be put down so we get our hands on the time quirk.

Evelyn:(lustful) Hmmm this boy looks tasty~

Knox: Didn't you send Trax and onslaught to search for the time user?

Alt. Eri:(Darkly) Indeed their mission was to find and apprehend Izuku Midoriya at all cost....... regardless of what stands in their way.

Knox:(thoughts) she's scary.....

The raven hair girl looks at the information before seeing the boy finding him interesting. She was curious about the target and once she's curious there's no stopping her.

Nori:(Smiling) We'll be together forever~

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