Chapter 4

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After the fiasco that happened last night with everyone Izuku decided to go out on his own since with everyone was starting to make him lose it slowly.

Izuku:(thoughts) This is nice for once without being bothered by anyone.

Izuku was wandering the streets of japan when he stumbled into the crowd of people just minding pretty much their own business. As walked around until he reached the shopping district he went ahead and sold all of the All might merchandise he once cherished getting a good deal of money from it.

Izuku:(thoughts) Thank god I was able to get that much money for selling that trash for someone else to have good riddance!!!

Izuku's stomach began growling at him as he remembers not eating anything earlier since he was so focused on not seeing his former classmates. He began to head away from the shopping district as he was walking away he distinctly heard someone nearby in a Alley.

?:(scared) P-please anyone help!!

Izuku:(thoughts) Someone's in trouble!

Izuku went inside the Dark Alley way to see two fox children and three ugly looking thugs as they were slowly closing in towards the poor children. Izuku saw the two children as the small fox girl was clinging onto her brother shaking in fear.

Fox Boy: (Shaking) S-stay A-away!!

Thugs:(Smirks) Hahahaha well look at this guys this little runt thinks he can scare us hahaha!!! Besides I guess the boss wouldn't mind to have little slaves with mutant quirks.

One of the thugs got hold of the little fox as the brother tried to stop the man from taking her before they got a hold on him. Izuku had to think of something before it was too late without any regards to Tsubomi's warning without proper training with his new quirk. Izuku uses his time quirk to slow the flow of time before powering up OFA to charge the thugs knocking the two down cold as Izuku got the two fox children out of the  thugs grip. As he got them away his head gain a massive headache way worst than the first try as time now flowing back to normal.

Thug: W-what the hell!! YOU SON OF A B****!!

Izuku:(thoughts) Damn it that drawback took alot of energy from me and OFA!! I don't have time to use it anymore!! I need to protect these kids no matter what!!

Thug:(Angered) Your in for it now kid!!

The thug used his quirk almost similar to muscular except that it's more less fiber muscle tissue. Since Izuku is almost spent the majority of his time quirk despite it's capabilities it's shorted uses proves to be a bigger challenge as for OFA he could feel that the time quirk also drained it's power boost that left him vulnerable to the villain.

Thug: Your dead kid as well those mutant freaks!!

Izuku barely got the two kids and  dodges the thug's attack as the villain smirks to the two mutant fox children he charges at them as Izuku quickly increase his will-power OFA to prevent the thug from hurting them.

Thug: argh!!

Izuku:(Loud) Get out of here quickly!!

The two foxes were frozen scared mainly for his life as the small fox girl had a worried expression on her face with fear. Izuku looked at them knowing that couldn't move due them being afraid for his life. No other way he could find meaning he has no choice to use a desperate move that might risk his own life due to what Tsubomi told him.

Izuku:(thoughts) I have to do this!! I can't hold him back any longer without OFA!!

Thugs: Hahaha well look at that!!! Your much more weaker than before don't worry once I deal with you I'll let watch as I crushed those kids!!

Izuku: I won't let you lay a finger on them!!! Time Flow Burst!!!

Izuku felt alot of pain from using his quirk for a desperate move meaning to use his power meant risking his life for protecting the fox children from the thug. Izuku uses the momentum of the flow of time and strike a finishing blow to the face making the thug knocked out cold. The two fox siblings looked at Izuku with amazement and awe as Izuku power went down as he collapsed on the ground making the two kids run up towards him with worried looks as he passed out in pain.


White void..

Izuku:(thoughts) Am I dead?

Tsubomi: Not yet at least...

Izuku felt a cold shiver go down his spine when he saw Tsubomi again but this time she looked very upset with burning anger at him.

Tsubomi: You almost died Izuku....

Izuku: I-i know Tsubomi.....but I couldn't let those kids get hurt by those thugs.

Tsubomi upset demeanor lowered down she knew he did the right thing that almost cost his life....she knew that being a hero means to risk your own life for someone's sake.

Tsubomi:(Sigh) I guess the drawback took a toll on you as well within OFA.

Izuku:(widen) How did you know about OFA?

Tsubomi: Cause your original quirk link with OFA but due to the nature of your quirk it spent everything even for a short time meaning you need to work on it for it to last longer.

Izuku:(Nods) I understand Tsubomi.

Tsubomi:(Serious) Remember be very careful with it Izuku you were very close to death since you don't know to used it properly.

She glanced upwards seeing the time was up for him to go back to his lover.... The Hospital bed.

Tsubomi:(Sad Smile) I see you again Izuku...

Izuku: Wait-

Izuku wakes up in a hospital room feeling uneasy as the drawback taking it's toll on him. As he tried to get up he see the two fox children besides him seeing both of them sleeping closely near him as he noticed the Fox girl holding tightly to him.

Izuku:(thoughts) They stay beside me this entire time?

Fox Boy:(Waking up) Mister your awake!!

Fox girl:(Woken/Tearing) Y-y-your alive....

She hug izuku carefully as well her brother feeling better now that he's awake. The kids look very thankful to him for saving them from those bad people.

Izuku:(Smile/Kindly) I'm glad that you two are safe now. What's your names?

Vince: My name is Vince and my little sister is Suu were very thankful that you save us from those bad people thankful a hero showed up in time and put the bad guys away.

Suu: W-we thought Y-y-you d-died.

Izuku felt his heart squeeze tightly as he heard them being worried about his sake. He gave them a kind smile before responding to them gently.

Izuku:(Gentle) Everything's fine now Suu and Vince i would do it again just for you two to be safe that's all.

Suu and Vince smiled at him as they began to get attached to him as he saved them from those thugs from what they were going to do to them. Before they knew a voice came from the doorway of the hospital room stand a wild Aizawa.

Aizawa:(Tired) Problem better have an explanation for this.

Izuku looked at his teacher with no care as he looked at the two foxes and smile at them.

Izuku:(thoughts) It's Worth it.

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