Chapter 11

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Inside the UA building Mr. Aizawa was doing his paperwork for today it's been awhile since he's been having a bad mood for a while. Ever since the hospital with Izuku he's been rather abit distant since then he's been working with every once of caffeine. Even though he would be lying if he didn't say that it hurts to know that one of his students mainly izuku was distant from his classmates, teachers and All Might.

Aizawa:(sigh) What's going on with you Midoriya....

As he was about to resume his work he gets a notification from the principal of U.A. to urge him to his office. He was wondering what does the mouse-bear-thingy want without any further he left his office room to go straight to nezu wondering what's important.

Aizawa: So Mr nezu is there something important to tell me?

Nezu:(calmly) Yes Mr Aizawa it's been a concern that Izuku Midoriya has been rather distance from everyone including teachers and fellow students.

Aizawa:(monotone) Yes....he's been different than before like someone flip the switch on the kid. Do you know what's wrong with Izuku?

Nezu sips his tea as he remembers the vision of Izuku falsely accused as everyone turn their backs against him before getting sent off to prison. Tsubomi was the one whom revealed the events that took place in the future or Alternate future that izuku now feels betrayed that those he trust hurt him in the most painful possible by breaking his faith and hope for someone to stick by his side only for none to help him.

Nezu:(serious) I want to tell you the truth of what causes these changes on Izuku Midoriya.

As this taking place in the dorms where tsubomi was given her own room she was sleeping peacefully until she started to shake in her sleep as her memories we're rushing in her mind like a tsunami hitting her.


[Tsubomi:(yelling) Master!!!!]

[She was hurt badly as she sees the most important person in her life fighting a losing battle. She wanted to help him but her injury prevents her from doing so as the villain was ready to kill someone she treasures most.]

[???:(smiles) Don't be afraid..... Everything's going to be matter what I'll will always be with you...]

[The villain chuckles darkly as darkness was covering her field of vision as Tsubomi was force to leave while tears rolling off her eyes. The last thing she heard was.....]

She woken bolt upwards as he tears stained her face as her breathing was out of control. She didn't want to remember that day as it was stuck in her mind forever as she won't forget what that monster did to him. She tighten her fist in righteous anger as she looked outside of her dorm window.

Tsubomi:(serious) I will defeat you one of these days......Pravus.

The next morning classes are back again as Aizawa looked like he killed a cat as he was drinking heavily after what nezu told him last night. He didn't want to believe it at first but knowing nezu he wouldn't lie about something like this he wanted to talk to Izuku about it. As all the students enter the class he sees izuku looking neutral making him feel uneasy about it. He was going to use this chance no matter what.

Izuku:(thoughts) I hope Suu and Vince are okay without me for the day since I'm still a student of the "Most Prestigious School" besides Tsubomi told me she's was going to meditate or something like that.

Elsewhere on the school campus Suu, Vince and kota were place in one of the rooms where Eri plays around in since her quirk was unstable to be used. Suu was very uncomfortable as she felt the killing intent radiating from Eri as she sees them as kota was too busy talking to Vince about their favorite hero deku. Out of everyone here Suu was a smart girl knowing her quirk can somewhat decipher the individual's emotions of what they truly feel and ever since they first saw Eri the emotions were nothing but jealous and hate towards them.

Kota: So Suu how is it like to being adopted by Izuku?

This causes the little fox girl's heart to sink as she felt the room goes below zero as Eri was listening to the conversation. She sees the cold energy flowing from her Suu looks worried for the girl at hand knowing her jealousy stems from them being Izuku's kids instead of her.

Suu:(Uncertain) W-well he makes sure that we're fed and we'll rested. He greatly cares about our health as he doesn't want us to get sick.

She felt Eri's emotions spike like crazy at the mere mentioned of what Izuku has done for them. She greatly feels bad for her she wanted to help her but, she'll have to wait knowing the distance between them was was so great and not to mention her hatred for them. She sigh inwardly knowing that this is a problem that's going to take time to fix she hopes that one day soon she'll help her.

Somewhere in the city the league was being silent ever since the overhaul incident as they have been hearing about two serial killers taking the heroes by surprise. He ask one his own giran to locate the two new Villains to see they'll join with the league.

Shigaraki: We're expecting some visitors soon.

Toga:(excited) Can I take some of their blood?

The remaining members were curious to see who the potential members of the league of Villains. Dabi has an neutral look as twice was curious on who they might be.

Spinner:(cautiously) We might want to be careful on this since these new Villains might try to kill us like when overhaul killed big sis magne.

The mood swift at the mentioned of their fallen comrade they did avenge her but that can't bring back the dead. Toga was greatly saddened by hearing big sis's name she'll never forget her. After a little while two individuals appeared in the hideout for the remaining league members. Trax and onslaught were calm and collected but secretly having some backup plans in case this negotiations go south.

Trax: So your the league of Villains we been hearing about yeah?

Shigaraki: Indeed we are the League of Villains we been hearing alot about you two causing trouble for the heroes.

Onslaught:(robotic) Calculating the number of deaths estimate of 50 heroes blood now paving the streets of Japan.

Toga: I like them already.

Trax:(sigh) Yep now the heroes are more aware that we mean business. So we might want to use some of our gadgets and gizmos in case they decide to cause us more trouble. So let's get to the point what's exactly the reason for us being here?

Shigaraki:(smirks) We want you to join us...

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