Chapter 2

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Izuku was laying down on his bed in his dorm at 5:00am  thinking and processing about the new found quirk. Izuku thought up different possibilities on how he obtain as he look at the date again.

Izuku:(thoughts) I wonder if its  related to OFA? But All Might took it back from me then how did this activate? There's has to be some form of explanation to this!!

Izuku thought back during the time everyone accused him of being the traitor. Remembering everyone cheering that the hero's found the traitor. He growled at the thought of everyone cheering that he been caught when it wasn't him to begin with... NO ONE BELIEVE IN HIM.

Izuku: ..... I wonder if mom knows about this? No her quirk only allows her to use gravity on smaller objects and She said dad's quirk was fire related...then how do I have a time quirk?


Izuku was thinking about the quirk until up class started making him feel his hate building up. The reason he won't forgive them is because his trust is only given to those he cares and trust with his life only for it to be smashed in front of him giving him the biggest middle finger.

Izuku: (Thoughts) Let's get this day over with...

Class was thinking about Izuku when they seen him with the most blank face. They never seen that before during the time when they began U.A.

Mina:(smile) What's Sup Midoriya?


Mina: Er... Have you heard what happened to Uraraka she broke her record without puking up with her quirk!

Izuku was not even paying any attention to her when she kept on talking making him wanting to leave that's until mina brought something up that made him pissed off.

Mina: That's right Eri was very happy yesterday when she and nejire were-

Izuku quickly got up slammed on his desk making mina jump in surprised along with everyone else in the room including Aizawa. He gave her the harsh look before leaving without saying anything shutting the down with frustrating strength.

Mina:(surprised) uh....

Mineta:(confused) What's was his deal?

Karminari: Yeah usually he would love talking about Eri.

Sero: Did anyone noticed his face it looks like he didn't want to be bothered.

Mina:(Sad) I only wanted to brighten his day.... I guess I might have gone overboard with talking too much...

Uraraka:(Concern) I wonder what's really bothering him. He wasn't like that the day before I think something happened.

Aizawa:(thoughts) Problem Child.... What's wrong?

Aizawa noticed his odd behavior since yesterday that wasn't even close to his caring nature. When he was inside his sleeping bag he saw that Mina was trying to brighten Midoriya's mood then when mina mentioned about Eri Midoriya got off his seat slamming his fist down loudly giving her a very harshly stare before leaving the class.

Aizawa:(Sigh) Everyone settled down I go talk with problem child about this you all go on with you studies and training.

Iida: U-understand Mr Aizawa sir!!

Izuku went into his dorm room now thinking really hard what's his next move. He thought up many ways but wasn't too very sure to choose one yet. But when the thought of Eri and the rest of everyone when they were still friends.... family... Inside his heart he was sadden and hurt because of their betrayal. He wanted to let go of it completely.

Izuku:(thoughts) Damn it!! I don't want to be here anymore so why is it so f****** hard to let go!!! Damn It!!!!

He used his anger on the All Might merchandise that he collected all those years all that's left are broken pieces now laying on his floor.

Izuku:(pant) ...... What should I do with this quirk? I believe it can be more useful than it let's off.

Izuku looked at the broke all might merchandise that was laying on the ground with All Mights fearsome smile.....

He put his hand over it waiting for something to happen almost giving up until he was now deeply focused on the item at hand. Slowly the All might figure was being fixed with some sort clock going backwards until the All might figure was fixed.

Izuku:(Surprised) It worked? It Worked!!! Hahaha!!

Izuku was happy his laugh almost sounded like someone who found hope for the first time in their lives feeling relieved and overjoyed as tears started to form in his eyes.

Izuku: I Wonder if I could fixed all the All might merch and sell them in good condition.

Izuku stands up beside his door now looking at his room seeing the mess he made. Slowly concentrating on his hands pointed at the room time started to go backwards making everything the way they were like before as if the mess wasn't there anymore.

Izuku:(Excited) Boy wouldn't everyone be jealous of this for cleaning up their rooms without moving. Though I wonder what the drawback of the quirk?

Izuku was looking very proud of himself until his head started to hurt  as his nose started to bleed like a small river.

Izuku:(dizzy) I... Guess... That was....the drawback...

Izuku collapsed on the ground with his nose still running with blood unconscious.

Aizawa decided to talk to the infamous Problem child or aka Izuku Midoriya. He walked by everyone in the common area as they were focus on their devices while Uraraka was still concerned for Izuku.

Aizawa:(Knocking) Problem Child we need to talk.

There's was no response from Izuku. Aizawa Knock a little hardly on the dorm waiting for him.

Aizawa:(Sigh) Problem Child open up before I unlock your door please don't be irrational.

There was still nothing.

Aizawa:(thoughts) Problem Child never sleeps this early before.

Aizawa was waiting for a little more before getting irritated with problem child not responding.

Aizawa: I'm coming in Midoriya.

He used the keys design for the dorms in case there's an emergency of sorts. As he open the door a sudden chill went up his spine seeing him collapsed with blood leaking out of his nose with dangerous amount.

Aizawa:(Shock) Midoriya!!

He turned izuku around on his back seeing him unconscious with blood still steaming out of his nose. Without a second thought he pick up the unconscious izuku as blood flowing off and started to head to Recovery girls office.

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