∆ sixty - one∆

42 1 1

Felicia's POV

" We'll come back" the last thing I said to Nicholas before he drifted off. I hope he got the the hint off what I've wanted to tell him for weeks now.

The next morning. I woke up with a slight pain in my chest. I checked the time....it was 4: 30 am.. the fight was supposed to start somewhere around 7pm . Yet still we all woke up.

I'm sure the whole mansion didn't even really sleep.

Nicholas' side of the bed was empty. He was standing at the window. Not saying anything ,I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

After cleaning myself up ,I came back, dressed in red shorts and a matching hoodie. Courtesy of Nicholas.

Whipping out my phone and not doing anything in particular I threw it back on the bed and slumped back on it.

It was a peaceful silence,yet so distant. We didn't know what to say to each other.

We didn't want to admit that no matter what happened, someone's life was at stake.

Finally I watched as he moved to the door. Before he turning the knob he gave me a nod and I nodded back.

The truth was in his eyes.

Tonight we lose a loved one.

Waiting for a few minutes I got out too.

The mansion was silent.

You won't even hear the sound of whispering.

I walked down the stairs to find Horatio,Darwin and Lance playing video games

"Aren't you guys supposed to train"

" Nick said something about living our life today,we've trained enough...we go over all plans by 5pm"Darwin replied.

I nodded.

" Wanna join,bet I could beat your sorry ass" Lance commented .

" Shut up " I jumped in between them and snatched the game oad from Horatio.

He frowned and received a blown kiss from me. He smirked.

After an hour ,I had beaten Lance and he sulked the whole time.

Louisa and my mom were in the backyard.

I smiled at their effort. They were both in sweatpants and Ash hoodies. Each trying to learn how to activate a bomb.

Darga and Hernando were seated not far away from them with wicked smiles on their face. Perverts!

I nodded at both of them and hugged Louisa and my mom..

Before I turned to go,Darga called me.

" Yeah"

" I know I wasn't there much of the time due to all this confusion but I want to tell you that I'm really proud of the woman you've become"

I smiled. We didn't really click and that had bothered me.

" I love you very much as my daughter"

" I love you too Dad" I moved to hug me and watched as Hernando mock cried.

" Awwwnn" he said .

" , Get a grip off it old man" Darga threw him a stink glare.

I wandered over to almost every part of the mansion.... I even went to the chef's wing. My last goodbye? No...

I had seen everyone with the exception of Troy. Where was he.

Even Nicholas was nowhere to be found but at least I knew he was in his secret fortress.

I walked over to Troy's room but didn't find him.

His phone was on the bed. A pop up message appeared and I forced my eyes not to look but I did it anyway.

" Game on" the message read.

Boys like video games right? I'm sure it was some games he was playing with his friends.

I saw him come out.

" Hey....uh Felicia"

" Hi". He seemed nervous.

" What's wrong...been distant lately"

" Nothing just hoping for the best"

I nodded as we stood there in awkward silence.

" Catch you later" I broke it first and got the hell out.

Now what next...........I also took a walk around the mansion.


Third person's POV

Felix growled up from his position. He had been in this position for days .... not that he was tied ..he was just too hurt to move.

He didn't even know if his sister was fine or not. He was in the deepest dungeon of the mansion. No one came here... except the cook who brought his meals. He couldn't even eat them

He stopped moving when he heard footsteps.

The person seemed to be speaking on phone.

" I can't let him win this"

" No way, he's fucking young ,if h does he'll be greater than me."

"Don't worry,I'm sure I'll be in charge of them ....I'll.make him give up before you know it...I'm sure he'll do anything for that girl"

Felix couldn't make out what the person on the other line was saying he suspected another betrayal was about to go on.

Apparently the person had forgotten that he was here.


He scooted further to catch a glimpse of the person....

He had to cover his mouth to suppress him from the gasp that wanted to escape.

" I have to do something"

He whispered.

Sorry for the slow updates😅I've been caught up reading this amazing book and just couldn't end it enough to write. ...well here's another update ...

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