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Madison groaned to herself as she woke up. She couldn't sleep. She was in bed. She stood up walked into the bathroom. She used the toilet.

Once she had finished, she realised she was bleeding and paled. She felt a sharp pain and swallowed the lump in her throat.

She walked into the bedroom and looked at Max as he laid fast asleep. "Max. Wake up," she said.

Max looked to her and groaned. He was half asleep. "Come back to sleep," he mumbled as he went to roll over.

Madison rolled her eyes and looked at him. "Max. I'm bleeding," she told him.

Max turned to face her for a moment and frowned. He could see that scared look on his her face. He sighed as he sat up. "Okay. Let's get dressed and then I'll take you to the hospital," he said as Madison nodded.

Madison already knew that it was too late. She knew she was losing the baby. She knew nothing could be done. Max was still being hopeful and it scared her.

She knew what was happening and she was scared. She knew nothing could be done to stop it. There was nothing no one could do stop it.


Madison sat in the hospital room after she had gotten to the hospital. She looked to Max and smiled. "Will you stop pacing? You're giving me a bad headache," she said.

Max smiled and looked at her. "I'm sorry," he told her as she smiled at him. "I know things are a mess. But it's going to be okay," Max said.

Madison sighed and shook her head. "We both know that I've already lost it," she told him.

Max went to say something as the nurse walked in. She smiled. "Sorry to keep you waiting. Let's see what's going on," she said as Madison nodded.

Max stood next to her and took hold of her hand. The nurse began to do the scan. Madison looked to Max and sighed. She looked at the screen as the nurse looked at them. "I'm sorry. I can't find a heartbeat," she told them as Madison nodded.

Madison knew it. But it hurt to hear it confirmed that she had lost her baby. She felt numb as she rested her head onto Max's chest. She sobbed. She couldn't believe it. Their baby was gone and Madison knew she couldn't change that.

Max took a hold of her hand as neither of them said a word knowing they'd lost their baby.


Madison got home. She smiled as she saw Evie. "Come here baby," she said as Evie ran over to her.

Madison picked her up and held her close. She smiled as she held the little girl to her chest and sighed.

Madison was scared. She had lost her baby. Evie was her baby still. But knowing that she and Max had lost their baby, could they find a way to get through it together? Or would it end up tearing them apart and ruin the family that they had?

Little did she know how her family was about to be torn apart?

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