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Maddison stood in the window of the living room. Max was coming to take Evie out for a few hours. Maddison was scared in case he didn't bring her back.

Evie was still in bed asleep. Maddison would wake her up when Max came to pick her up. She saw his car pulling up. Madison took a deep breath and opened the door. Max smiled. "Morning."
Maddison smiled slightly. "Hiya. She's still asleep. Get comfy and I'll attempt to wake her up," she said.
Max laughed and nodded. "Okay."
He went to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee. Maddison smiled and walked upstairs.

Evie was still asleep. Maddison smiled and woke her up. She rubbed her eyes gently.
"Muma?" Evie mumbled. Madison lifted her.

She brought her downstairs. Max smiled and took her.
"Hello gorgeous," Max said.
Evie pouted and wiggled to get down. Max put her down and she toddled over to the sofa. She pulled the fleece off the top of the sofa and wrapped it around her.

Maddison and Max watched as she fell asleep. Max laughed. "She's lovely," he said.
"When she wants to be. I love her to death though," Maddison told him as she took a cup of coffee from him.
Max smiled. "She's amazing."
Maddison grinned. "She's going to my mum's and Eddie's tonight. I'll be home alone."
"I could come over?" Max offered.
Maddison smiled. "I'd like that."

Maddison made Evie her breakfast. She woke her up again.
"Come on munchkin. Breakfast," Madison said. Evie groaned. She sat up and ate her breakfast.

Max put on Peppa Pig for her. Evie grinned at him with jam over her lips. Max chuckled and kissed her head. "Me go with you?" Evie asked.
Max nodded. "Yes. Then I'll bring you back here and your mum will take you to your Gran's."

Evie frowned. "Dat man isn't mine daddy. Why's he taking me out?" She asked.
Maddison sighed. "Baby, you know how you're always asking mummy about your daddy? Well Maxy is your daddy."
Evie pouted. "Why no tells me?" She mumbled.
"That's mummy's fault. She got upset by daddy," Maddison said.

Maddison went to get Evie some clothes. Evie and Max sat on the sofa watching Peppa Pig. "I ike dis," she said to Max.
Max smiled. "Do you?" Evie grinned and nodded.

Madison came downstairs with Evie's clothes.
"Come to mummy princess," she said. Evie got up and toddled over. Madison helped Evie take off her pyjamas and underwear. Madison put on fresh underwear and clothes for Evie.

Evie wanted her hair in pigtails. Madison sat Evie on her lap and did her hair. Max picked up Evie's underwear and pyjamas.
"I'll put these in the wash for you," Max said.
Maddison thanked him and smiled. Evie toddled into the kitchen. "Maxy, can me have some pop?"

Maddison watched as Max gave Evie some juice. "Say thank you."
"Fanks oo."
Maddison grinned as Evie sat on the sofa. "So, what you going to do with her today?" She asked Max.
"Take her to the park and do some shopping," Max said. Maddison smiled.
"Our little madam loves her shopping."

Evie toddled in with her sippy cup.
"Hey yo," Evie said. Max scooped her up and held her on his lap. He kissed her head.
"Daddy's taking you to the park and shopping," Maddison said.

Evie got excited and kissed Max's cheek.
"Yay! Fank oo Daddy," Evie said.
Max smiled. "You're welcome princess."
Maddison watched as Max carried Evie out to his car. "Be good Evie."
Max drove off. Maddison walked back inside and sat down. She felt odd with out Evie being around her. Maddison decided to go and see her mum.

Maddison drove over to her mum's. Rachel let her in. "Where's Evie?" She asked.
"She's gone with her father for the day. Then I'll bring her over here," Maddison replied.
Rachel sighed. "Okay."

Rachel made Maddison some lunch. They sat together. "So, you and Max back together?" Rachel asked.
"No. We're just co-parenting," Maddison said.
Rachel nodded. She never approved of Max but she wanted to keep Maddison happy.

After lunch Maddison text Max to see how he was getting on. Max sent back a photo of Evie eating pizza. Maddison laughed and saved the photo.

Rachel walked into the living room and sat with her daughter.
"Maddison, do you still love Max?" Rachel asked. Maddison was taken back by the question.
Maddison sighed. "I don't know mum. I just know that we're making things easy. We're giving Evie some parents," she said.
Rachel nodded. "Okay."

Max and Evie were at the park. Evie was sitting on the swings. Max was pushing her. "Shall we have some ice cream?" He asked.
"Me pwaying on dese. But we gets some later on," Evie said.
Max laughed and took her to a bench. "I gad you mine daddy," Evie said as she cuddled into him.
Max held her close. "Me too princess."
He kissed the top of her head.

They played about in the park. Evie made Max go down the slide with her. When they finished they went to get ice cream before Max took Evie back to his house to get what she bought.

Maddison made her way home. She was excited to see Evie again. She loved her little girl. Part of her was excited to see Max again but she wouldn't admit it.

Maddison arrived back at the house just as Max came with Evie. Evie giggled. "I had fun!"
"Good. Have you been good?"

Maddison went inside. She smiled at Max. "Keep an eye on her? I need to pack her overnight bag," she said.
"Sure. We'll be watching Peppa Pig," Max said.
Maddison grinned. "Wow, you sure do love Peppa."

Max laughed and sat down with Evie. Evie sat on his lap and played with her cuddly toys while Peppa Pig was on.

Max stroked Evie's pigtails when Maddison came down. She smiled at them.
"What did you buy?" Maddison asked Evie.

Evie giggled and got up from Max's lap. She smiled at her daughter as she pulled over the bags of toys and clothes Max bought her.
Maddison saw everything and grinned. "You didn't have to buy her all that."
"I did."

Maddison smiled as Max played with Evie. Could they ever be a happy family again?

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