Who are you?

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3 stirred, slowly waking up.
Somebody was carrying him.. he quickly jerked up nearly falling out of his reach.

His reach...

"You okay?" 3 had heard. The voice was so familiar but it sounded different. It was a soft toned voice, so sweet and kind yet  hurt and weakened. And it was obvious that he wasn't fluent in the language.

3 held his head, it felt like a burst bomb hitting its target. He thought about what had happened just a few days before (or anything at all at this point). He was fighting an octoling with pink tentacles. They had been fighting for so long and both were incredibly tired. He knew this boy. But he couldn't seem to remember. 3 had been controlled and didn't want to fight him. He punched and shot him down many times. But determined not to lose, he kept fighting. He hurt him... Agent 8. That was his name. "8!" He said.

"Hm?" The boy mumbled. 3 looked up. Did he say that aloud? He looked at him in surprise. "8! You're ok! I'm so glad to see y-"
He stopped and looked in fear. He got a good glimpse of him. Bruises were littered all over him and the weight of 3 was actually hurting him. He looked like the worst had happened to him and he himself paid no mind. This couldn't be the Agent that he knew. But still, if this was Agent 8.

His 8.

3 studied the boys features. He was a faint teal color and his hair was blue and aqua at the tip. Their were needle scars all over his left arm. Cuts, bruises and burns covered his body. "What?" 3 said in fear. "I'm so glad you're ok! I thought I lost you!" He exclaimed while weakly smiling.

"W-who are you?" 3 asked, falling out of 8's reach. Of course, 3 had lost his balance and had tripped. "3! Are you ok? Did you hit your head?" The octoling questioned worriedly, kneeling down towards the inkling, reaching out his hand to help him up. "S-Stay Back!!" The inkling yelled slapping the octolings hand away. An echo shattered throughout the hallway they were in. 8 recoiled his hand back, gently holding it with the other. "Hey! I'm trying to help you know!" He said carefully. "We both got hurt, are you okay 3? Maybe you did hit your head." 3 sat there in the ground, speechless. Who was he? Why was an octoling talking to him? Did he know who he was? Where is 8, is he okay?


3 yelled unexpectedly. 8 stepped back in surprise. "What do you mean? It's me! Agent 8! Don't you remember?" 8 said trying to force a tear back.
"YOU LIAR! WHERE IS AGENT 8!" 3 yelled back.
"3! It's me! Agent 8! I'm 8!" The poor octoling cried.
"You!" 3 yelled grabbing for his hero shot ready to attack. But it wasn't there. "Where's my splattershot?" He asked 8. "Oh!" He put his hand on his side grabbing the weapon. "It was getting in the way of me carry-" 3 grabbed the gun out of 8's hand and pointed it towards him. "What!? What are you doing?! 3 it's me 8!" The octoling cried.
"How do I believe that!!" 3 screamed, as he quickly punched the octoling. Surprising 8, he lost his balance and hit the wall with his back. 8 coughed. And coughed into a fit.

3 stood there, surprised and pretty worried for the weak octoling. He walked towards him only to see his hand filled with a pool of blood. "What the?-" 3 stood there in confusion. He felt sick to his stomach. Why was he coughing up blood? Was it a disease? The boy let the blood spill on the ground and stood up shaking. "Sorry, it's been happening since I woke up and it's getting worse." He said weakly.
"How can you prove that you're Agent 8?" 3 asked. His face lit up. "Actually, I don't know. You would never believe me." The boy sadly stated.
"Well either way I'm listening."
"U-um yeah."

"Do you remember our fight?" He questioned.
'Yeah?' 3 replied.

Agent 8 POV

"After we were done fighting you passed out." I started. "You hurt me pretty bad so I went to go look for supplies to help us. I was walking around when some octarians came out of nowhere and knocked me out. When I woke up I was strapped to a chair. They started to torture me." I mumbled the last sentence. 3's eyes widened. I continued the story.
"I was too weak and full of shock to even fight back. For days and days they tortured me. Until they forced me into a different room. And injected me with the sanitized ink." I finished.

"8." He stuttered.

"Hm?" I looked up at him. I felt a tear run down my cheek. "I'm so sorry, I ruined your life. If I'd been more careful and-." "No!" I interrupted. "There's nothing we could've done about it. I've been fighting the sanitization for a few days now. I'm not gonna turn." I reassured him.
"Right." He said quietly. "Now let's get out of this place!" I said.
"Okay." 3 replied.

So they set off. With no clue where they were headed.

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