Wait, is this real?

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That night 3 had slept with Milo. Landon was cuddling with Milo as they slept. The two gently held on to each other. They were clearly both exhausted, you could tell by just looking at them. But they both went to bed at around 2. Tesh warned him that sanitized octarians would barely sleep. So Milo's sleep schedule would be terrible. And it was. Milo had only just fallen asleep a few minutes ago.

In fact, both of their sleeping schedules were both messed up. They hadn't slept in weeks. 8 whimpered. He was in pain still but he was having a nightmare. Cold sweat covered his body. "I- s-stop." He whispered in octarian.

Milo POV

I was running. I couldn't stop either, or else I'd die. "Get back here octoling!" Landon yelled. He was partially sanitized and was chasing me down. When we were battling, he had shot me down. I had his ink all over me, it burned so bad. Burns and bruises covered my body. "3 its me! Agent 8." I yelled forcing back a tear. He shot me down as I fell to the ground. I tried to run away but he ran up and pointed his gun at me. Before he even pulled the trigger, I heard thunder and immediately woke up screaming.

Thankfully, the scream was only loud enough that only the inkling and that other octoling to hear. I began crying as the same inkling woke up abruptly. I started breathing heavily as the boy started to soothe me. "Hey! 8 it's ok! I'm here!" He said as he hugged me as he sat us up I tried getting away from it but I was far too weak. Suddenly, the door slammed open but the rain was too loud for anyone else  to hear. "Is he ok 3?" The octoling asked. "Hopefully, I think it was just a nightmare. Or maybe it was the thunder." He claimed as thunder cracked again. I jumped snd held on to the boy. Wait- why wasn't he killing me? I thought that we inklings and octarians were sworn enemies.

I don't have a weapon either, though I could just fight. But I was too weak and tired. I felt like I'd pass out any second. I sat down on the edge of the bed. I had started crying. I was scared and didn't know what to do. Why am I crying? We aren't supposed to have any form of emotions. "Shhh It's ok 8, I'm here. Nobody's gonna hurt you. Not anymore. Not when I'm around." The inkling cooed as he but a hand on my shoulder.
"D-don't   t o u c h   m-me." He listened and recoiled his hand. Why was he comforting me? Why was I enjoying it? I slowly calmed down. The two boys were talking to each other. I gave into darkness and fell asleep. The boy seemed to take notice as he laid me down. Who were the two boys?
Does the inkling think that I'm a friend?

If so the he mustn't be right in the head.

The poor octoling had so many questions. He didn't even know who he was. And he didn't think he'd be getting the answer anytime soon.

Tesh POV

I had a feeling this was gonna happen. Sanitized octarians suffer from many things like insomnia and anorexia.

They don't sleep nor do they eat. I feel bad for Milo. All of his life he lived to see wars and deaths. He tucked in all of his emotions. He had been sanitized numerous times. We get sanitized against our own will and we live with it throughout our entire lives without complaint. They can't complain. They can't talk back. They can't disobey or else they'd be killed off. Right there in front of either civilians or peers. And even though they knew, many soldiers disobeyed intentionally and got killed. Some even committed suicide. They were replaced with an innocent octoling. We all knew that if Milo keeps fighting it, then he'll die. He was already dying. Slowly but surely. And I'm sure he knows that too. But he's holding on for dear life and I can tell. He knew that there was no reason to live anymore, but he kept holding on.

3 and I kept talking until Milo shot back up. "Hey." I said in octarian. He only stared. Not even a peep came out. It's not that he was scared or anything. It was more of a confused kind of stare. He held his head tightly. I inched towards him and he quickly looked at me in response. His eyes were one aqua color and one gray. A small tear escaped his eye.


"Does it hurt?" I asked him. He looked down for a bit but eventually nodded. I sighed in relief. At least he still has a conscious. "Do you know who I am?" I asked again. He looked at both Landon and I and reluctantly shook his head. 3 didn't understand much but he knew that 8 was responding.
"Can you speak?" I kept asking. I need to know as much as possible from him.
"Mm." He weakly replied. 3 sat there in shock. It had been so long since he heard him speak. Though, Milo never said an actual word. But we both understood him. In fact, we were rather proud.
As the rain continued to patter, I went back to my room and went back to sleep. I can't imagine what Milo had been through or what he was even thinking right now. But the fact that he replied and still has a conscious, it's a miracle!

Was that a short chapter? I hope you didn't lose your spot while reading! I'm so proud that I'm actually keeping up with this story. I don't know when it'll end but maybe somewhat soon. But I want this to go on for a while.  Oh! And the next chapter will take place a few weeks later. 8 is feeling better too!

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