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Hopefully this is a long chapter.. I need to stop writing short ones.


But its important so please read :)

Agent 8 (Milo) POV

"Milo.. MILO!!" 3 screamed. I shot awake. "Thank god you're ok." He said. He was beside me as he stood up. I looked around. This place...
"Where are we?" I asked him. "You don't remember huh?" He asked.
"We got separated from Tesh. I was hoping you knew your way around." I said.
I glanced upward and saw bright lights. I had been strapped to a cold metal table. I squirmed around and groaned in pain. I never noticed until now but bruises showered over my body. "3, is there a way you can untie me?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Trust me, I looked in here for a key a million times. It's not here." 3 complained.

"How did we get here?" I asked him.
"I don't know! I woke up and I was underground."
"Underground?" I asked.
I started getting nervous. "Milo! Calm down ok? I'm going to get you out of here." He told me. I slowly nodded, still very hesitant of being underground again. "I'm gonna look around for a key." He said as he walked off. It was so quiet until I started moving around, trying my best to escape. One of the chain looked rusted, so I tried pulling that one off first. It snapped off in a matter of seconds after tugging and pulling. The second one wasn't going to budge. Not to mention that there was a metal choker around my neck. Which meant wherever I go, the lab workers would know. Which also meant that I couldn't escape. I kept at it, praying and hoping for it to snap.

I heard a door open and a sanitized octoling walked in. "So, I see that the test subject is trying to escape huh?" He asked me. "What's your Station?" He ordered. "What??" I asked him, purely confused. He punched my stomach, causing blood to spray out of my mouth. I coughed as he asked it again, heading towards a remote. "I don't know." I said slowly, trying to recover. He pressed a button on the remote and I immediately started screaming. I had no idea what was going on but my entire body ached in pain.

"There a needle in your choker that will inject you with a serum." He finished. I started coughing blood. He unlocked the last restraint and immediately stood up, trying to throw a punch at him. He pressed the same button he did earlier and I fell to the ground as blood stained the floor. "You'll be too week to even get up. Once you realize what you have to do then I'll let you roam." He said as he walked off.

"I know." I stuttered. "Oh?" He replied.
"Leave when you have the strength." He said as he left. I laid there on the ground sobbing. I didn't know what to do.  But if I didn't, he would-
I tried not to think about it as I forced myself to stand and walked to the door. I peeked out to see if anyone was there and  I limped around the corner.
Looking for 3.

I leaned against the wall as I weakly limped around. I tried to look for exits of any kind but just being down here felt terrible. I kept looking until I found him. I got his attention and he quickly turned around. "You got out! Now we just need to look for Tesh." He exclaimed. I didn't feel well. I wasn't myself. Maybe the sanitization was trying to take over again. Either way I tried to fight back.
"Milo. You need to fight it." I encouraged as he walked over to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. "It's the sanitization, it's trying to win me over." I told him calmly. I didn't look like he was listening so I urged for his attention.

"3?" I asked. He looked at me and swooped me into a kiss. I began to feel lightheaded as he explored my mouth. I felt as if my legs broke and I almost fell to the ground as 3 picked me up and push me to the wall. "Is it working?" He asked me. I nodded as I laid my head on his shoulder. He refused to put me down as we walked. I looked down.
"Milo? What's on your mind?" He asked me. "Nothing, I'm just thinking." I told him. "What, do you mean?" He asked confused. I told him what had happened as soon as he left. "So you lied and said that you knew what to do?" He confirmed. I nodded. "I really don't know what to do!" I told him. I was on the verge of tears. I never thought I'd go through any of this again. "Look, we can both find a way out of here. And then we'll break that thing off your neck!" He said confidently.

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