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Oml I can't anymore I can't help but feel as if this is the best story I've ever written.
Go me?! 🤗🤗

"Should we stop?" Landon asked breathing heavily on him. Milo stuttered. He was lost for words. 'How do I say that I-.' Milo's thoughts were interrupted. "Stay strong Milo! I know you can last longer than this!" Landon encouraged. Milo barely understood what Landon had been saying. They were both hot and sweaty. Suddenly, Milo fell to the ground. "I can't!" He cried.
I whispered in octarian; " It's way to big.."
"You're right." Landon stopped. "I shouldn't have urged us to do this I'm sorry." He sighed.

The two had been trying to push open a gate but nothing had been working.

(You naughties😛😛)

Plus, the pair were still both incredibly weak. They've only been eating stale crackers and water (or whatever they could find at this point). And Milo's mem cakes. Though, he never ate any. He claims them as disgusting and doesn't want to 'remember' having tasted them.

{huehe get it? lol im stupid}

Landon tried to get up but lost his balance. He had fallen on top of Milo. "Umm." Milo exclaimed, clearly surprised by the position they were in.
If you had walked into the area they were in, you would've thought something else was going on.

"I- SORRY!!" He shouted. Milo started squirming. He was hurting him. Landon quickly got up and helped him up. They sat down for a while when out of the blue, Milo got out his charger. But he never brought out his scope. "Mil-" 3 started but was interrupted by 8 shushing him.

Milo quickly stood up and tip-toed around the corner. 8 was out of sight.
Landon quickly got out his hero shot and stood up as well.
*Octoling Language *
8 was talking but in octarian. Who was he talking to?
3 heard the two talking but he had no idea what they were saying.
It had sounded like 8's voice but not quite. "Ugh!" 8 yelped. "8!" Landon shouted. He started to run around the corner but it was too late. About 6 octolings ran off with an unconscious Milo. "Damn you!!" 3 shouted. Clearly they didn't understand each other. But in return an octoling girl had set off a sting ray.

"Ahh!" 3 shouted in surprise. After it died off, 3 looked for the octolings but they were long gone.

"DAMMIT!!" 3 screamed as he kicked the wall. Soon after regretting his decision. Where was 8?
Was he ok?
He was going to get him back..

8 POV 5 minutes before

"What are you doing here?" The octoling said. He was a little taller than me, probably like 3. "I- ummm." I stuttered. "What's your station?" He questioned suspiciously. I stayed silent. "That gate is off limits its been digitally locked down." He finished. "I- umm y-" I tried to speak but nothing would come out. "Put him under. The sanitization wasn't completed." He said. The solders readied their weapons as I did mine. The fight ended too quickly as the one in the front quickly hit me with the back of his octoshot. "Ugh!" I fell to the ground. He picked me up. As they walked away I saw 3 quickly turn the corner. Everything was blurry and sounded so far that I eventually gave in to the darkness.

A while later...

"AHH!" I screamed in pain. I was tied down to a rusty chair. The octoling who knocked me out had been torturing me for hours. Cuts and bruises were spread across my body. The biggest cut was a gash across my left arm. I was losing a lot of blood. I started feeling dizzy and nauseous. "Awww kicking the bucket already?" He asked in a baby tone. He punched me again. This time more blood sprayed out of my mouth. I went into another coughing fit. Blood splattered on my black clothes.


"S-stop. . . p-lease." I stuttered. "Ahh yes I want to hear you beg for more." He said. He started rapidly punching and kicking me." GAHH!!" I screamed. It hurt so bad. Where was 3? I knew I was weak without him.
"3!! OH GOD LANDON PLEASE HELP!" I screamed weakly. "No ones going to save you." He said back." You can cry and fuss all you want but nothings gonna happen." He said.

*A few hours later*

By the time he was done with me I was barely conscious. He beat and me like I was nothing. Well, I am nothing. Is 3 still here? I was hoping I'd get to see him again.
These are the only thoughts that I had. I was limp. My whole body was sore. Blood was draining from my body. The boy untied me. I almost had fallen to the ground but he caught me and picked me up bridal style. Just like 3 did. I thought about him. Maybe he didn't care about me at all. Maybe he was planning on getting to the surface alone.

Minutes after walking he threw me down on a cold floor. I could tell that there were other octolings there. "I had fun with him." He said. Then, he walked away.
After he left the octolings there picked me up. They placed me on a cold table and strapped me down. They put multiple needles in my arms and wrists. "Ngh." I squirmed around. I looked around and I saw a huge tube full of an aqua liquid. "The saniti- Ack!" I coughed up more blood as the machine turned on. "NO STOP!" I screamed. The liquid started to flow through me. "HELP 3!!" I tried to fight back but it was no use. I screamed for what hours it felt like. It burned. I was burning and it felt like hell itself.
The octarians left with the machines still going. I screamed and cried for help. But nobody came. Did nobody care?

*Time skip*

It's been hours since the sanitization process was over. The sanitization machine automatically turned off after 16 hours of activity. All those 16 hours, Milo had been injected with the toxic fluids. And now here he was. There on the table laid an unconscious octoling. He had no emotion and his eyes were a grey and his body a bright turquoise with the few highlights. Not the bright pink everyone knew. He was a different person and no one could change him. Not even 3 could save him.

He was broken; beyond the point of being fixed.

And when he found Milo, he cried.
He cried and said that he was too weak.
Cried that he wasn't there sooner.
Cried that he wasn't there for him when he needed him the most.
Milo had been crying and begging for hours for Landon to come and save him.
But he was to late.
Agent 8.
His agent 8.

Was gone. Forever. He was sanitized.
And he wasn't coming back.

Agent 8 was gone.....

(Ahhhh omll this is depressing. I was debating somethings to add...)
(And sorry! This was a rather short chapter from my usual. I know that they won't be this short later on.)

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