Get Outta Here!!

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Agent 3 POV     

It felt like hours we walked, trying to find the elevator. 8 and I talked for a while.
"So what were you doing before you got infected?" 8 asked. We kept walking. "Well nothing much actually. I was looking for Cap'n. Then I heard the distress signal and I knew where he was. Everything is blurry from there." I finished.

"Right." 8 replied." By the way thanks for saving us back then." He smiled
"Are you kidding?! All I did was get myself knocked out what do you mean?" I asked him seriously.
"3, we were trapped in a blender. I wasn't thinking properly and I was just ready to go to the 'promised land' ." He quoted.

"Well when I woke up all I saw was broken shards of glass and that telephone gooey thing that sanitized me."
"Yeah, Capn' told me to go scope out the area first." He stated. "And there was A LOT to check out. So when I saw you there sanitized-" He stopped. 8 stared straight at the ground holding his head.
"8? You okay?" I questioned, quickly walking back to him. "I-" He stuttered. Anyone could easily tell he was in pain.

He held his head with both hands and was, crying? "I can't stop... g-go away.." He whispered. "What?" I asked. I began to bring my hand over to his shoulder but he slapped it away. "8!" I said. He looked at me for a split second then tackled me to the ground. "What the hell! 8 this isn't funny!!" I shouted at him but nothing seemed to get to him. What the hell was going on?! Wait.
Don't tell me.... the sanitization?! Could he not fight back anymore!?


"Dammit!" 3 screamed. He quickly turned over so 8 lost his balance and was now on the bottom.(hehe) 3 didn't know what to do, with every second the octoling seemed to lose more and more of his consciousness.

"8 its me! Please stop!!" 3 shouted. 8 quickly slid under 3 and stood up and ran in ranging distance and got out his charger. 3 recovered and got his hero shot out, facing it towards 8.

8 held a stern face the entire time they battled, grunting only when he got hit. Sooner or later 3 realized if they kept fighting like this, then eventually they'd both pass out. So by surprise, 3 quickly sprinted towards 8 who was shocked by his actions. In the end, 3 successfully pinned him on a wall they were near. Hitting his back on the wall, knocking the wind out of him. He took a deep breath. 8 fell to the ground but caught him in time; carrying him bridal style.

What felt like hours through the station, 3 began to walk through little pod areas. 'Is this where they sanitized 8?' He asked himself. Eventually, he found a room with bunk beds on the side. He put 8 on the bottom and went to sit down on an old chair nearby. The room itself was old. The blankets on the bed were dingy too but it was better than nothing. 3 stood up and left to scope around for any foods or medical supplies.

~Time Skip~

Slowly waking up, I got out of bed. "My head." I complained. "8!! You're awake! You've been out for a bit." 3 exclaimed. Uncontrollably, I jumped towards him. Losing his balance, he fell to the ground hitting the back of his head. Quickly recovering I stood up and stomped on his stomach. "Gah!" 3 screamed coughing up blood.

He got up holding his stomach. "8, what the fuck! Wait.. don't tell me.." 3 stopped. He looked up at me in fear. "No- not again!" He forced tears back.


"8 I can't lose you! You need to snap out of it!!" He said walking towards me. I got out my charger and started shooting. 3 quickly dodged.

I ran up to him and started punching. "Gah! 8 listen to me!!" 3 screamed. I didn't listen to him. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't. 'Stop it!! Stop!' I yelled at myself. But it was over. My job was already done.
I looked down in fear. There laid a limp near dead inkling. "3..... no" I stuttered. I immediately rushed towards him and fell to the ground.

I held his lifeless body and screamed. I sat there. Crying for hours from the actions I committed. Sooner or later I passed out from shock.

"AAH!!!" I screamed, jolting up from the bed. Tears fell down my cheeks. I sobbed and hugged my knees until I heard a rusty door open. I jolted up from my position. "8!!" The inkling exclaimed. "You've been out for so long I was starting to get worried!" He said setting unknown supplies down on a small table. I Looked around something felt familiar about this place.

~ I remember something ~

"I know this place". I said unsure. "You do? Can you remember anything else?" 3 asked. "This was my friends room in the army." I replied. "You were in the octarian army?!" 3 shouted. The echo in the room shattered. "I mean I think so.." I said back.
"This is good! Do you think you might know your way around here?" He questioned.
"Yeah..." I lingered.
"Welp, the sooner the better! Lets get going!" 3 said.
"Ok!" I said back getting out of the bed.

So we walked.

And walked..

And walked some more...

"Lets *huff* take a *huff* break." 3 managed to say, exhausted.
"Agreed" I wheezed out. I slid down on a wall nearby with 3 sitting next to me. I took a small sip of water that he found. 3 held out his hand, indicating the he wanted water too. Giving the bottle to him, he drank some and closed the cap. "Ughh" 3 stated.
"We're almost there I promise."  I looked at him. He had a calm but alert persona on. I noticed his face from the battle we had weeks back.
"I didn't think it'd leave a scar" I stated pointing at his eye. "Did it really? Well I couldn't care less." He replied.

5 minutes later we were back on track.
"Look!" I shouted running towards an exit. "How can you see that far??" He said running after me. I slammed the door open to see the sun...

"I guess we lost track of time." He chuckled. There it was. Nighttime, but the moon was majestic. Reflecting from the water in the distance. "It's beautiful" I awed. "Not as beautiful as you~" 3 said back. I turned red covering his face. "Ahhh." I said quietly. 3 just smiled staring at the moon. I can't believe we're free. Although it feels like a dream, it was probably the sanitization. I put the thought in the back of my head and reach out and grabbed 3's hand.

Now the easy part. Get to Inkopolis!!

(Yayy I'm done!!)

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