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(KYAAA~ I'm going crazier than I already am somebody put me down.)

Btw I watch a lot of YouTube so I got names. I never made these up. Whoever made these names is a genius.

Agent 8- Milo (Male)
Agent 3-Landon (Male)
Agent 4 (In the later chapters) Ash (Male)

It was late at night probably nearing midnight. 2 or 3 inklings were out but not too many. 8 stayed near 3 the entire time. He was scared if anyone was going to accept him for who he is. Especially since he's sanitized, this makes the entire problem even worse. 3 held on to 8 tightly as they walked to a mansion. "This is your house?" 8 asked amazed.

"What? No! Nowhere near this place. This is Pearl and Marina's place." I finished. "But still, It's huge!"
"Day 1 out of the underground and the first thing that we see is a mansion." 3 said. 8 giggled at his comment. 3 slowly rang the doorbell. The door almost seemed to immediately open. "Marina!" 3 exclaimed. "Whaaa?!" She screamed. 8 jumped back a little. "8 WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU WHY ARE YOU SANITIZED?!?!" She screamed. Pearl immediately ran downstairs. "Agent 8 and 3?! She questioned. 8 lifted his hand up as a 'nervous hi'. Unexpectedly, Pearl and Marina both pulled us inside.

15 minutes later.

The 4 sat in the dining room, 3 and Pearl drinking coffee and Marina and 8 drinking tea. "Do you guys need anything to eat?" Marina questioned. "We're starving" The agents said in unison. Pearl laughed. "For the 3 months you two were missing what have you been eating?!" Marina questioned again.
"8's spare mem cakes. Though he never ate them." 3 stated. "Disgusting." 8 shivered.

"Dear god YOU LIVED OFF MEM CAKES?!?" Pearl screamed. "Pearly! Its the middle of the night for crying out loud." Marina said.
8 yawned. It had been a long few months for him. "I'll show you guys your rooms." Pearl mentioned. 8 was about to stand up when Marina interrupted.

Agent 8 POV

"Can we talk for a minute?" Marina asked me in octarian. I slowly sat back down and nodded. Pearl and 3 went upstairs. I never remembered not being around him. I was nervous, what if something were to happen?? What would I do without him?

(Conversation is in octarian since 8 doesn't know a lot of inkling.)

"I hope you don't get too uncomfortable, but how did you get sanitized?" Marina slowly asked. I thought deeply upon the question until I found an answer.

Flashback (8 is explaining this)
(No POV)

"YOU TRAITOR!!" The octarian yelled while punching and kicking 8. "YOU'RE A DISGRACE TO THE OCTOLING ESPECIALLY MASTER OCTAVIO!!" She screamed. 8 had been beaten for days. He had enough but his throat was too raw to even think about screaming for help. He thought he was going to die there.

He was on death's door and basically had been knocking for days.
But nobody ever answered.

Next thing he knew he was put in a test tube for weeks a thick liquid was stuck in there with him. The Sanitization fluid.
He recalled hearing that he was to be assigned to stay in there for 4 weeks. Instead, 3 saved him and only stayed for 2. Little did 3 know that it would scar 8 mentally and physically.  He did remember a few things about his past. He knew that he was forced as a part of the octarian army. He even remembered some things about his parents. But he didn't want to remember them; they were terribly abusive.

Agent 8 POV

Not wanting to remember the past, I held my head as tears forced its way out. I was weak.

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