We know the answer

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Milo POV

I woke up and immediately felt uncomfortable. 3 was spooning me and I was terribly sore. 'I'm really gonna have to get used to this' I thought. I snuck out of bed and looked at myself in a mirror. 'Fat' I told myself. I looked over to 3 as he stirred into consciousness. He got up and greeted me, as usual and grabbed his clothes.

"You can have some of my clothes again." He said as he tossed me some." I thanked him as I grabbed my towel and ran to the bathroom. I quickly showered and put on his clothes and walked out. 3 and I switched spots as he walked in the bathroom and I sat on the bed.
As soon as he was finished we left the house. It was around 7:00 in the morning so everyone was still sleeping so I decided to leave a note.

"Out in Octo Valley with the other Agents."

"Come on we gotta go pick up Ash." He said as he held my hand. We walked out the door and walked off to Ash's apartment. We were around Inkopolis Square when I noticed people were staring at me. I leaned closer to 3 and he noticed something was wrong. So he sped up and walked faster. He held my hand tighter as we walked through the square. "Just ignore them ok?" He told me. I nodded as we finally made it to the apartment. "Ash hurry up!" 3 shouted as we banged on the door. Ash finally opened the door as he reached for his duelies. We walked back to 3's room and I grabbed my charger and scope while 3 grabbed his splattershot. We headed back to the square and still, people stared.
"So are you guys a thing?" Ash asked.
I blushed. "Yeah." 3 said. Ash only chuckled. We made it to the side of the plaza and I looked to the other side. There I saw stairs and a sign said.

I shivered at the thought of going back.
"Hey, you don't have to worry about anything. Your mission is over now." He soothed. I smiled as Ash jumped into a tea kettle. 3 jumped in and I quickly followed.
As soon as I landed I was greeted by 2 squids. One had Pink and the other had  Green.
"Milo this is Callie and Marie." 3 said.
"Squid sisters!" I beamed. Marie smiled. "Well at least he knows who we are." She exclaimed, specifically looking at Ash. We got to the destination and we started our test.
"Ok. I just really want to know who the better charger or snipe is." Marie said.
Ash and 3 both quickly pointed at me.
"Wait. I never realized you had a charger!"
She said with a surprised look.

"Ok. So we can all take turns on splat chargers. What you need to do is try to make it to the goal without getting hit." Callie explained. "Milo, you can go first!" Callie beamed. I nodded as Marie led me to my designated area. I saw Ash walk of with his duelies.
I thought of the Deepsea Metro. How I did a challenge where I couldn't get hit. I brushed it off and climbed up. Ash didn't know where I was but I immediately spotted him. "Ready! GO!" Marie chanted as Ash immediately started sprinting to different directions. I knew his strategy. So I aimed to the left. There were walls in the way but I managed to splat him. He respawned next to me. "Dang it!" He said. I only smiled.
It was 3's turn now. "And, GO!" Marie shouted again. 3 was harder to interpret. He hid behind a wall. And thinking that I didn't see him, he slowly swam through his ink. He was almost at the goal when I splatted him in his ink. He respawned right next to me. "Great work 8!" Callie beamed. "Yeah you are really good. Ok. Ash, would you like to go next?" Marie questioned.
I nodded as I stood up and walked over to where 3 was just before. "Ready? GO!" Callie called out.

I sprinted towards the first wall and he shot at me. He missed by a bit as I tried not to panic. I took 4's technique and I sprinted to the right.
I was near the goal and he shot at me again. I ran to the left and hit the goal, super jumping over to 3.
It was 3's turn to snipe and 4 was almost at the goal when 3 shot in front of Ash. Splatting him in the process. It was my turn again and dropped down to the starting point. "GO!" Callie said. I used the same technique I did earlier. I ran straight then rolled to the left. I almost reached the goal when I heard him shoot. I dodged to the left but felt cold ink on my back.

                      .Test Failed.

I respawned back to the group and sat. "You okay?" 3 asked, sitting right next to me. I nodded. "I thought I was gonna make it." I laughed it off. 3 got up and hopped down to start as 4 took the charger. "And GO!" Marie shouted. 3 sprinted off. He went to almost every wall. 4 shot at him and he quickly dodged. He made it to the goal.

I sighed in relief. Callie sat next to me. "He's real talented." She claimed. I only nodded. I like the squid sisters. Maybe they were just trying to be nice on first impressions but they never asked me why I looked different.
The 3 of us walked back with the intention of going to Marina and Pearl's house but we ended up going to 4's place to play more video games. "I just don't understand how you're so good at games. But you've never played them!" Ash shouted, amazed. "We should do this more often!" I suggested. "Definitely! You need to give me some tips." Ash stated.
We all walked back to Marina and Pearl's place.
We walked in and they were helping themselves to the curry that 3 and I had made.
"Yo! Whoever made this! This is fire!!" Pearl shouted! "Literally!!" She said as she looked for a beverage to cool of with.
"Thanks. 3 and I made it when you were gone." I said.

"Milo did most of the cooking though." He admitted.
"Milo this is great!" Tesh said. I thanked them and we walked upstairs. As we walked I heard 4 talk.
"So, did you guys fuck yet?" He asked.
"What does Fuck mean?" I ask him. He laughed.
3 looked irritated. "Don't say that." He said. I nodded as I looked at Ash who was looking at me.
"So?" He whispered. I nodded. I had no idea what he meant.
He smiled brightly. Maybe I shouldn't have told him that. We walked to our room and sat on the floor.
"So, the bed where it all came down." Ash said. We both blushed. "Ash, shut the hell up!" 3 shouted, flustered. I smiled.

Hours later, Ash left and we stayed upstairs cuddling. I eventually fell asleep on 3. I felt him put me beside him still hugging me.

My chapters are getting shorter and shorter😥
I hope you enjoy! I will try and make the next chapter a lot longer.
Any questions? Comments! I'll try my best to answer.
Stay Fresh! And don't get Cooked!

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