Am I Real?

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Just a quick disclaimer. This chapter has mentions of violence and rape. If you don't like these descriptions, then don't read.

I actually want sanitized 8 to be obsessed over 3. And 3 getting a tad annoyed. Might be a headcanon. Don't know yet. 🙃

3 slowly picked up the unconscious octoling. His eyes red and puffy. Dried tears stained his cheeks. He started walking into an unknown direction. 8 was breathing heavy, suffering from a terrible fever. 3 tried his best to calm him down but nothing was working.
Dark circles formed around his eyes. 8 was in too much pain to even say a word or even grunt in pain. He knew that Milo's body couldn't take the sanitization any longer. He just kept trying to calm him down.

"Shhh it's ok, I'm here 8." He cooed. 8 whimpered in pain. 3 looked at him. 'I can't believe they'd do this to their own kind' 3 thought out loud. Eventually, 3 found a small dorm to stay in. It had 3 beds and a small rustic chair. 3 looked closely at the third bed. Somebody was sleeping there. 3 quickly set Milo down on one of the beds. It squeeked loudly. The figure stirred and got out of bed. "Um.." The boy paused. 3 slowly got his hero shot out. "I'm not gonna hurt you!!" The boy said worriedly as he raised his hands in the air. "Yeah right." He said trying to protect 8. The boy was a bit older and was taller. He was a darker color and had a pink afro. He sounded like an irresponsible teen but knew how to get work done.

Why did he look so familiar? Did I know him?

"Hey, your friend." He paused pointing at 8. "He looks sick. Sanitized octarians aren't supposed to be sick." He stated. 3 looked at 8, lowering his gun. "You know what's goin' on?" He asked. "Yeah I do. He's been over-sanitized." He replied.
"What? So you mean that they put too much of that blue ink in him?!" He raised his voice. "Yeah... oh by the way my name's Tesh." He brought out his hand. 3 accepted the hand and shook it. Tesh.. 3 felt like he knew this name. But he ignored the thought as his attention was caught on 8 squirming in pain. "He can't take the sanitation. He's trying to fight it." Tesh stated. "And its killing him." He finished. 3 didn't want to believe what the octoling just said. He only knew 8 for a few weeks. Though, it had felt like he knew both of them long ago. Either way, he didn't want to lose him.

"Is there really no way to save him or bring him back?" 3 questioned. "I- I don't know. Maybe he knows how to fight the sanitization. But most of the octarians don't." Tesh stated. 3 only nodded. He wanted to help him so bad. "Wait how come you aren't sanitized?" 3 asked.
"I escaped. Like Marina but not above ground." Tesh stated.
"A-ahhh!" Milo whimpered. He kept shaking. "He might be unresponsive for a bit. He might also be scarred from the beatings and the-." Tesh stopped, fists clenched and shaking. "Hey what's wrong?" 3 questioned worriedly. "They probably raped him too." He replied quietly. 3 tightened his fists. "Those bastards." He scolded.
"Hey I can go and look for some meds that might help." Tesh beamed. He walked to the door and said. "In the mean time, you should get some rest." 3 warily agreed as 8 was already passed out. 3 decided that he could take it easy. But only for a bit. What if 8 needed him?

'I guess I can get some shut-eye.' 3 thought out loud.  For some reason he felt like he could trust Tesh. Like he knew him.
  The thought drifted from his mind. Sooner or later he sat down in the middle bed and dozed off.
Almost an hour later, 3 shot out of bed. 8 had fallen into a worsening fever and was experiencing a terrible coughing fit and was coughing a dangerous amount of blood.
(My god what have I done?? My babyyy!!)

3 barely knew what to do but he quickly sat him up. That technique seemed to help as the coughing rapidly slowed down. Out of nowhere, Tesh came rushing in with his hands completely full. He dropped them on a nearby table and rushed over to the weak octoling. "I didn't think it'd get this bad in under an hour." He sadly exclaimed. He set a hand on Milo's forehead. "His fever is bad." Tesh stated.
"But I did find some medicine to help him out." He said as he walked over to the table. "I just need to find it." He muttered.

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